Discuss the case where there might be defects in line-of-sight propagation caused by mountainous areas.
Targeted methods like lasers require a clear line-of-sight and could be dangerous for anything in their way.
This network capability will provide the Brigade Combat Teams with unparalleled beyond line-of-sight target lethality.
The SNEP will operate in a hub-spoke and mesh architecture to provide beyond line-of-sight range extension to OTM users.
Harris will supply Falcon II RF-5800H high-frequency (HF) radio systems for long-haul, beyond line-of-sight terrestrial communications.
Harris公司将提供FalconIIRF- 5800H长途高频(HF)无线电系统,具有超视距地面通信能力。
Mohan thinks that the Bokode "could encode just as much information, but require an open line-of-sight to the card to be read, increasing security."
Visitors get a splendid, inviting vista into the new building: dead-ahead on line-of-sight is a distant and vast plaster cast of the Apollo from Olympia.
CSEL provides military personnel with precise geo-positioning information and secure, over-the-horizon (OTH) and line-of-sight (LOS) two-way data communications capabilities.
Iraqi insurgents have hacked into unsecured, line-of-sight and possibly satellite video feeds for the drones and, in some cases, were able to use this to receive early warning of u.
Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.
There is also the option of a wireless microwave backhaul, but it requires cell towers that are in the same line of sight, and at some point the data still has to go wired.
He decided not to sit in jurors' line of sight to avoid causing bias.
If nothing else, at least make sure your line of sight is relatively in line with your monitor, and that your wrists make a straight line to your elbows.
These calculations might be based on visibility (whether the tag is in the sensor's line of sight), the signal strength, or the amount of time it takes the signal to travel from the tag to the sensor.
This method assumes that some percentage of planets will pass between our line of sight and the stars they orbit around, causing those stars to dim just a fraction from our perspective.
They tend to look dissimilar because their galactic disks are tilted at different angles to our line of sight.
Having a small mirror can come in handy when you want to see what's going on behind your line of sight.
Rapidly changing refraction due to turbulence along the line of sight affects different colors of light by different amounts and generally produces a twinkling effect for stars.
But maintaining a line of sight can be a problem for a laptop that is being carried around within a home or office.
I'm also a fan of the two-deck function displays that put the important numbers right in your line of sight.
French officials said bad weather made the search difficult, with heavy clouds forcing planes to fly very low over the water and limiting their line of sight.
When you see a planet by a transit, the orbit has to be in your line of sight.
My bag is blocking her line of sight, including the purchase of the limbs in the domestic dynamic transfer of small toys from her intense interest.
The ultrasound monitor is put in the patient’s line of sight, and she must also listen to a description of the fetus.
"Sitting at 60,000 feet it's ideal for getting a line of sight between two people in different valleys," Saltmarsh said.
The ice crystals must be oriented horizontally and the observer's line of sight must be close to horizontal to see the sundogs.
The great wooden doors swing open, and my brother and father come into my line of sight.
What's needed is a way to link project costs to the resulting business benefits in a clear line of sight with corporate goals and strategies.
What's needed is a way to link project costs to the resulting business benefits in a clear line of sight with corporate goals and strategies.