The theoretical analysis and numerical experiment show that the new algorithm is better than the line-scan algorithm.
When you cross the finish line you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it.
Whenever I go through the takeout dance with a host (she retrieves my food, I pay—inevitably with a credit card— and my eyes scan down to that darned gratuity line), I feel anxious.
With scan times of less than a second, the system is fast enough to be used on a production line.
It's a good idea to scan your systems for unowned files, and on AIX you can do so using some simple commands. To scan for files that have no user, run the following command from the command line.
Cytus instead has a scan line traveling up and down the screen to match the tempo of the music.
To perform a basic ping test and identify all of the hosts configured on the network, use the -sp command-line option and provide the IP address specification that you want to scan.
要执行类似基本的ping测试,并识别网络中配置的所有主机,可以使用- sP命令行选项,并提供您希望扫描的IP地址规范。
Coverity have been running a project called Scan for two years with funding provided by the Department of Homeland Security in line with its own objectives to harden open source apps.
Further, a cathode voltage line and a scan driver each may include an edge part formed in an obtuse Angle.
Compared with the scan line algorithm, it has a simple data structure, no need to maintain and sort lots of tables, simple implementation, and fitting for being implemented by hardware.
A fourth line has been intentionally drawn across near the bottom of the figure to show where a scan of image brightness was made.
The active device is electrically connected to one corresponding scan line and one corresponding data line.
Readers scan dramatically improve their reading speeds by taking in several words in the line of text at one time instead of sounding out each word, or focusing on each letter of the word.
In this paper we explained the principle of line scan Hadamard transform NMR imaging and deducted the relation of Hadamard cede to the phase of excitation signals.
This paper analyzes the minimal build mechanism in line scan conversion and presents a new scan algorithm.
These devices include Flat Panel detectors (FPDs), and High Density Line Scan Solid State detectors.
Darkening and refractive index change varied with laser intensity, scan speed and line interval.
This article describes the principium of line scan revise winding used in the line scan circuit of TV receiver and display, and the requirement for the characteristics of the ferrite core.
However, this algorithm does not apply for circular orbit cone-beam scan with line-focus X-ray source.
High voltage silicon pile is the key component of the output circuits of color TV and color monitor, whose switch frequency is the direct restrictive factor of line scan.
For line art, it is indeed appropriate to scan to match the dpi resolution of your printer (I said line art, I intentionally excluded Colour and Grayscale).
On the base of the type of the point cloud, the author puts forward"T"method on the scan line data reduction, compares them with other methods of the data reduction.
Filling algorithm of the complex connecting area is studied and a new scan line algorithm for filling area is presented.
You can use external triggers from a motion sensor, such as an encoder, or National Instruments IMAQ boards to trigger line scan cameras.
The paper gives the design parameters of the line and field scan system, and the analysis of the circuit design.
Objective Correct MR line scan diffusion image with motion missing caused by patients motion and asymmetric magnetic field.
A pixel circuit is coupled with at least one scan line and at least one data line.
This paper brief describe principle of scan laser out diameter gauge in which have successfully used production line. Correlated analysis and discussion are gaven.
In a line scan defect inspection system, the illuminator properties, such as brightness, light array linearity, lifetime and spectrum range, are more critical.
In a line scan defect inspection system, the illuminator properties, such as brightness, light array linearity, lifetime and spectrum range, are more critical.