The country would not have to draw down the line of credit unless it needed to; but the credit's existence would give investors confidence in its ability to ride out the storm.
Almost four years after the storm, a quarter of the population has never returned. A third of homes still lie empty, many decked with tarpaulins and with the flood-line still visible.
A storm is brewing round the scientists in line to win the Nobel prize for predicting the elusive particle.
Its assessment is in line with a landmark study in late 2005, "Rising Above the Gathering Storm," by the National Academies, the nation's leading science advisory group.
What's more, the weather had now taken a filthy turn for the worst. Already above the snow line, a series of hail storm showers were stinging my face.
A power cut affecting more than 60m Brazilians for more than five hours was caused by a storm, which damaged a transmission line from the giant Itaipu hydroelectric dam.
Emergency workers are pleading with people in the line of the storm to pack up and head out of the area.
Z (Changes in the Vertical field) for the sudden storm commencements and geomagnetic bays to the northeast and southwest of this line appear opposite in signs.
Imperial Tobacco said it was unlikely to see a repeat of the "perfect storm" that led to revenue-damaging price wars in Spain this year, as it reported annual profits in line with expectations.
The rain storm activities relate to the mesosynoptic systems such as the mesoscale shear line, the mesoscale convergence line and the mesoscale convergence center.
The results show that upper trough and shear line and thermal depression are main synoptic systems introducing summer sand-dust storm.
On the path the main body of a sand storm must follow, the Dunhuang Cultural Research Institute had a special defense line built.
The beginning of the New Year, we have been standing in a new starting line. We will be the warriors fighting with storm.
USGS scientists have prepared maps showing the proportion of the first line of defense that would be inundated by worst-case scenario storm surge associated with Categories 1 through 5 hurricanes.
USGS scientists have prepared maps showing the proportion of the first line of defense that would be inundated by worst-case scenario storm surge associated with Categories 1 through 5 hurricanes.