Flux looks quite different in the plane and in space because, in the plane, it is just another kind of line integral, while in space it is a surface integral.
The paper evaluates the limitations that semielliptical surface crack in a shaft is simplified to a unilateral crack in a finite boundary plane and a cross straight line crack in a semi infinite body.
It is presented that the locus of a line crossed with each of two guide line and a guide conic not being on a common plane is a ruled surface of fourth order.
A method is presented, by which the plane strain state on the earth's surface can be obtained with the combination of tidal line strain data and the tidal shear strain can be simulated numerically.
A method is presented, by which the plane strain state on the earth's surface can be obtained with the combination of tidal line strain data and the tidal shear strain can be simulated numerically.