Referring to a line from Jurassic Park, he adds: "People are too busy thinking about what they can do to think about whether they should do it."
Most of the run was alongside a busy railway line with trains a mile long creeping past.
Instead of yelling at the cashier after a long wait in line at the grocery store, commiserate with her about how hard such busy days can be on everyone.
As I came into his stall, he was busy picking out soft hay with which to line the straw in his self-made bed.
But you might know the song for Lennon's famous line: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." so true.
The momentum you've worked so hard to create for your new product line is squandered because your marketers are busy focusing on other things.
But consumers' strong preference for natural products means that the bergamot groves that line Calabria's coast are likely to be kept busy for many Christmases to come.
But the truth is I still begin every email with the line "Sorry to be slow replying, it has been exceptionally busy over the last few days".
I was trying to call you all last night, but your line was busy. Were you online?
Our line can get very busy but please keep trying and you will eventually get through.
Brown: I've been trying to call him for the last ten minutes, but your line was busy. Will he be back soon?
No means a simple form, one point one line, all is unique, simple heart carved with busy, Cumber some process has always been valued tags, shaping the soul of art, is real, conation.
Sarah Jessica has been busy balancing family time with her recent work responsibilities, which include a shoe line for Nordstrom and an upcoming stage role.
But, dial the incoming call number, not the television is not answer the line is busy.
On-line education brings huge convenience to those who are eager to update knowledge but are hard-pressed for time, therefore, it is more attractive to busy modern people.
Objectives: At the end of this session reservation sales agent will know the procedure of processing busy line.
I've been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an hour, but the line is always busy.
Besides, the busy period, the whole vacation period and the on-line period of system are presented.
So many people were trying to call it on Friday that the hot line almost always gave a busy signal.
I was working at the base exchange one busy day when the line grew quite long.
Quadruplet villager Zhang Guotai worries about busy all one's life, already made a few girls, son gets married establish line of business.
Sorry, the line is busy out, please wait. If you need to activate your insurance card, please visit our website, Thank you!
Probably I was too busy with the plot of the story I was writing or a line in a poem I was composing .
Could you do me a favor I've been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an hour, but the line is always busy.
Could you do me a favor I've been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an hour, but the line is always busy.