Results were also run for different high (relative to the line impedance) impedance values, including 900 ohms.
This system can measure power line impedance accurately using a new arithmetic, and can adaptively match the power line impedance.
It is thoroughly considered in this new method that harmonic attenuation, reactive power compensation, mistuning, background harmonic and resonance with power line impedance.
The numerical results were obtained in a table by solving the combined equation of transmission line impedance transfer equation and terminal input impedance expression in gas capacitance.
Most line drivers with low differential output impedance will also have inherently low common-mode output impedances, so the low impedance arms of the bridge are almost always at the driver.
Combined with impedance concept, a method for on line structure health monitoring based on self sensing piezoelectric patches, which are bonded on the surface of the structure, is presented.
Because the impedance fault location method is easily influenced by the factor such as fault resistance, transformer error and asymmetrical line configuration, the fault location accuracy is lower.
The dotted line connecting the tops of the two capacitors represents the low coil impedance to ac signals.
The analysis shows that the measured impedance at the head of the line is not proportional to the fault distance when a three-phase fault occurs at the end of the line.
When the dominant mode TE10 is propagated alone in the rectangular waveguide, expressions for the real and imaginary parts of the input impedance seen by the coaxial line are derived.
I have studied the impedance-matching of RF transmission line between the antenna and the GPS module.
In this paper, we present the analysis of multifurcated waveguides by the transmission line model and impedance transformation technique.
The model uses the effective impedance of the microstrip line as the value of matched resistive load and assign it into the RL mesh region in a proper proportion.
The aim of the paper is to receive nodal impedance matrix by adding - branch line algorithm and admittance matrix algorithm, to analyze the effect of them, and to provide the models.
It is popular used in impedance test of line that will detect and find the exact location of faults i. e. of broken, mixture and soakage of wires.
The design of reliable high speed communication systems for power line communication (PLC) requires an accurate knowledge of such channel specific characteristics as attenuation, impedance and noise.
为了设计基于电力线通信( PLC)的高速可靠通信系统,必须了解衰耗、阻抗、噪声等电力线信道特性。
This paper analyses the rule of variations measuring impedance of distance relay when phase to phase fault occurs between two lines on double circuit line on the same pole (DLSP).
Applying feedforward control of harmonic voltage to hybrid active power filter of finite harmonic impedance can restrain line harmonic voltage.
The earthing method of the metal sheath varies somewhat in different cable lengths, which affects greatly line parameters, especially zero sequence impedance.
The second effect is the rise in voltage resulting from the capacitive current of the line flowing through the source (generator) impedance.
第二个影响是线路电容电流流过电源,阻抗引起的电压升高。 收藏。
In order to make calculation of the lightning protection on ultra high voltage (UHV) line, a new tower model, namely multi-wave impedance model was constructed.
The axial cavum measurement device was used to simulate the input impedance of the body antenna based on the theory of long line.
When using frequency sweep meter to measure the input impedance of antenna, the balanced - unbalanced transformer must be connected between coaxial transmission line and antenna.
An adaptive impedance matching system model for power line communication system was proposed.
This paper discusses the change of discharge properties due to mismatch effect between transmission line and discharge impedance in electron beam controlled discharge gas lasers.
The fir st two methods have low precisions for influence oft these cases : line parameters , fault point grounding impedance , operating mode of power system.
The fir st two methods have low precisions for influence oft these cases : line parameters , fault point grounding impedance , operating mode of power system.