It's a typical large-scale non-linear programming problem.
Simplex algorithm is an effective method for solving linear programming problem.
The fixed charge transportation problem (FCTP) is a special linear programming problem.
Hence, the proposed controller can be obtained by solving a standard linear programming problem.
The discussion of the relation of bilevel linear programming problem(BLPP) and BBPP is also given.
This is essentially a linear programming problem. This case is more special than the general problem, since
Secondly, we consider the degenerate linear programming problem with upper bounded variable constrained.
A multiobjective linear programming problem in which all coefficients are fuzzy Numbers is considered in this paper.
It is transformed ingeniously into a non-linear programming problem with constraints which can be solved by many optimal methods.
This paper presents a simplex method without using the artificial variables. It is suited to solve general linear programming problem.
Finally, after summarizing the contents in the thesis, we point out the further directions to study the degenerate linear programming problem.
Secondly, game theory is applied to bilevel programming problem for a better illustration and soluntion of the bilevel linear programming problem.
This paper analyzes the kernel matrix in the linear programming problem and proposes a new revised prime-dual algorithm based on the kernel matrix.
In this paper, a method using surrogate constraint to select an initial feasible solution of a mixed integer linear programming problem is presented.
People solve linear programming problem without ready-made feasible basis often adopting traditional method by introducing an auxiliary programming problem.
The paper studies the nonlinear programming problem with linear constraints. Based on its optimality conditions, a neural network for solving it is proposed.
Multiple optimal solutions to the linear programming problem by the simplex method for specific feasible regions sometimes might lead to a loss of efficiency.
The dissertation takes action about a kind of uncertain linear programming problem with interval numbers and fuzzy numbers in objective programming respectively.
The interior point method is a polynomial time algorithm for solving linear programming problem, and its number of iterations is independent on the size of system.
Apply singular value decomposition and generalize inverse of the matrix to discuss the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the standard linear programming problem.
Using K-T condition and the aggregation properties of KS function, a multi-constraints linear programming problem is become a single constraint linear programming problem.
It is a linear programming problem with minimizing the total operational cost as its object function and taking the restraint of are and node capacities into consideration.
Direct search feasible direction (DSFD) is an effective algorithm for solving the constrained non-linear programming problem, however, it could only find the local optimal solution.
As for this kind of programming, people mainly turn a fuzzy linear programming problem into a classical linear programming through extensive investigation before we solved the problem.
The efficient algorithms for large-scale linear programming problem have been attracting considerable attention from both theorists and practitioners in a variety of disciplines since 1970s.
The two different kinds of combined relations in this problem are de-coupled by variable replacing, and the problem is changed into a non-linear programming problem with complex constraints.
Presents a special nonlinear programming problems, its objective function contains absolute value symbol, this kind of problem can be transformed to the solution of a linear programming problems.
To improve the method of solving linear programming problem by means of simplex method, this paper gives the method of linear programming problem general solution with infinite optimal solutions.
To improve the method of solving linear programming problem by means of simplex method, this paper gives the method of linear programming problem general solution with infinite optimal solutions.