By using multivariate linear regression analysis, the mathematical model to classify and evaluate reservoir with well logging data was established.
This article researches the coefficient estimating problem of the linear regression model and the math analysis foundation of the least squares estimation applying in the coefficient estimating.
Finally, a linear model is established to forecast diurnal NEE through variance analysis and multiple linear regression methods.
The general form of CUSI neuron model and its learning algorithm are given, and apply it to geological data analysis and get the better effect than linear regression.
In this article, we discuss the interrelations between the various hygienic evaluation targets in market by means of linear regression analysis and differential equation model.
Objective to relax linear assumption of explanatory variables in general linear model and explore more-dimensional spline regression analysis model.
Then, stepwise regression analysis is used to select a best group of factors for the prediction of expressway incident duration, and the multiple linear regression model is established.
Linear model is a vital class of statistical model which involves regression model, variance analysis model, covariance analysis model and mixed model etc.
Linear models are especially important statistical models, including linear regression model, variance and analysis, covariance and analysis, and variance and component one etc.
With regression analysis, a mathematics model of both simple linear and multiple linear regressions were established.
In the data analysis, theoretical assumptions and model was tested through Descriptive Statistical analysis, ANOVA, Bivariate Correlations analysis, and Linear Regression analysis and so on.
This article demonstrates that deformation forecast will be performed by a comprehensive method of non linear regression model combined with time series analysis.
Secondly, China's audit fees on the impact of factors of the descriptive analysis as a basis for the establishment of an audit fees and the impact of factors of multi-linear regression model.
Quantitative inversion model of soil moisture content was carried out by using the stepwise multiple linear regression and exponential analysis.
With regression analysis, a mathematics model of both simple linear and multiple linear regressions were established.
The empirical analysis of this paper uses actual prices from CBOE s S&P100 option instead of model-generated values, which gets a linear regression equation.
The empirical analysis of this paper uses actual prices from CBOE s S&P100 option instead of model-generated values, which gets a linear regression equation.