The discussion on the property comparison between optimally weighted LS estimate and linear unbiased minimum variance estimate for a linear model is presented.
In the sense of linear unbiased minimum variance estimation, a global optimal recursive state estimation algorithm for this discretized linear system is proposed.
The linear unbiased minimum variance estimate and the optimally weighted least squares estimate are two of the most popular estimation methods for a linear model.
Based on the linear unbiased minimum variance estimation theory, an asynchronous fusion algorithm that fused the state vector of linear system with arbitrary correlated noises is developed.
Based on linear unbiased minimum variance estimation theory, a fusion algorithm which fused the state vector of nonlinear systems with dissimilar sensors with arbitrary correlated noises is developed.
The estimation of this class of the distributed group can be done by the unbiased estimation, uniformly minimum variance estimation and the optimal linear unbiased estimation.
In the present paper, We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for which the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator reduces to the least square in multivariate linear models.
In the present paper, We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for which the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator reduces to the least square in multivariate linear models.