I missed by a mile, which is a problem in drawing my lines, but never mind.
They were used to outline figures to show boundaries just like you might use solid lines in a pencil drawing.
Six identical triangles can be formed by drawing two straight lines through an octagon's center point.
Another option here is to embed a map that you can extend by setting place markers and drawing lines.
You can create a visible grid to aid in page layout using the guidelines feature of your page layout software or by drawing lines or boxes that you place on a non-printing layer of your publication.
Think of your home as a drawing from a children's book. Color the lines, but not everything in between them.
This designer allows you to wire together services by drawing lines between boxes.
Yesterday's declaration, however, suggests that China is moving closer to scenarios long painted by defence experts under which it becomes more assertive and starts drawing lines for the US military.
When drawing with Cairo, the simplest operations are akin to choosing your medium, selecting a brush, choosing a color, thinking about the line placement, then actually drawing the lines.
For example, when Krugman a month ago drew one of his famous "trend lines" based on a single point, a blogger named RJH immediately responded, "These trend lines you are drawing all over the place."
At the most basic level, it is an XML language for describing vector graphics — pictures made by drawing lines (as opposed to bitmap graphics — pictures made by drawing pixels).
If you're drawing a grid (of thumbnails, for instance), draw all parallel lines first as a series of long dashes to help keep line lengths and angles consistent.
We will use this code to abstract away the physical drawing of lines, circles, and bitmaps.
A vector drawing is like a pencil drawing where you take a pencil from one point to another and connect the points with straight lines, curved lines, rectangles, and ellipses.
These deeper internal motivations aside, I am just fascinated by maps, and more particularly, drawing lines across them to mark where I have been.
We drew our shoes, our backpacks, a blanket, a plant, and anything Brother could think of which required drawing lots of lines.
One of the most striking experiments had H.M. tracing a star between two parallel lines, when he could see his drawing hand only in a mirror.
When technical analysis is mentioned, people often think of analysts plotting price movements of stocks, drawing lines to find trends, support or resistance.
The tone in the two days of meetings is said to have been more constructive and less extreme than the public rhetoric, with neither side drawing lines in the sand.
Israel and the Philistines were drawing up their lines facing each other.
Lines and curves Lines are the foundation of any vector graphics drawing system.
Sketching is quicker than Drawing, but offers less specificity in how your lines and arcs are defined.
Distortion coefficients can be estimated by drawing measurement lines in the image.
It's all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand. And praying like hell no one crosses them.
After drawing both axes, you draw the gridlines along with their labels by evenly spacing them and then drawing the lines using the same combination of moveTo, lineTo, and stroke.
In dimensioning a drawing, the Numbers placed in the dimension lines represent dimension that are only approximate and do not represent any degree of accuracy unless so stated by the designer.
This means scribbling, drawing random shapes or lines and saying "This is (name, story, or whatever)," and any other use of pens, crayons, and other writing utensils.
The distortion coefficients can be set manually, by using curves available in the curve Editor, or can be calculated by drawing measurement lines in the clip.
The distortion coefficients can be set manually, by using curves available in the curve Editor, or can be calculated by drawing measurement lines in the clip.