XML data can as easily be parsed and consumed with LINQ to XML, which is part of .NET Framework 3.5.
作为.NET Framework 3.5组成部分,LINQ to XML可以方便地解析和消费XML数据。
The first two parts of the presentation cover LINQ to XML basics and the current advanced XML features
演讲的前两个部分讲述了LINQ to XML的基础和当前的高级XML特性
To simplify the LINQ to XML programming interface, namespaces are represented in the XML tree as attributes.
为了简化LINQ to XML程序设计介面,命名空间在xml树状目录中表示属性。
When serializing, LINQ to XML attempts to serialize with the namespace prefix specified in namespace attributes.
序列化时,LINQ to XML尝试使用命名空间属性中指定的空间前置词进行序列化。
"Linq-friendly" annotation capabilities, to allow developers to use the SDK with emerging Linq to XML technology.
“Linq - friendly”标注能力,以允许开发者在使用SDK时融合Linq to XML技术。
LINQ to XSD has first been announced by Microsoft's XML team in November 2006 (including a preview alpha 0.1 for the LINQ May 2006 CTP).
LINQ toXSD最早是由微软XML团队在2006年11月发布,其中包括一个为2006年5月LINQ的CTP发布的Alpha 0.1预览版。
Its primary purpose is to produce LINQ-compatible object models from XSD files, giving developers some measure of static type checking while accessing XML data.
Its primary purpose is to produce LINQ-compatible object models from XSD files, giving developers some measure of static type checking while accessing XML data.