Southern lion dancing, which originated in Guangzhou, is more symbolic. It is usually performed as a ceremony to scare away evil spirits and to summon good luck and fortune.
Lion dancing can be broadly categorized into 2 styles, northern lion dancing and southern dancing.
On a recent Friday evening, the teenagers made their way across the studio floor — sagging from decades of jumps and lunges — as they practiced Chinese lion dancing.
Water activities include water polo, water trampoline, and water tandem cycling. Lion dancing, rope-skipping, and battling spinning tops are some of the land games.
Stories vary about how lion dancing came to be, but most of them include a monster named Nian who would terrorize a village.
Teenagers comprise about half of the group, many of whom began lion dancing at 14.
A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days.
As a tradition to wish a prosperous year, a celebration with lion dancing and Cai Qing is held on the New Year Day.
"Lion dancing started 2,000 years ago — that's incredible, " she said.
It was windy all the time and there were flakes dancing, too. The artists made some ice carvings. They are really amazing, just like the lion I sat on.
Lion Dancing, a traditional Chinese folk art, is often performed during festivals and celebrations.
In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged.
Lion Dancing is an active scene with a focus on the gait of the lion and the big head Buddha figure, which stand out in a blank background.
Lion Dancing is an active scene with a focus on the gait of the lion and the big head Buddha figure, which stand out in a blank background.