Uses the microcomputer and the back light liquid crystal display monitor as the man-machine operation interface, has the ration setting, reset and the ration production function.
The working principles and characteristics of signal collection circuit, liquid-crystal display (LCD), programmable logic device and MCU controlling circuit of neutron monitor device are discussed.
The paper deals with a portable analyzing monitor system with liquid crystal display(LCD), which is low in power consumption and suitable for Chinas specific conditions.
A new graphic display system based on liquid crystal display module is introduced in this article. This system can be applied in a portable physiological signals monitor.
I do my email on a 20-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor.
This paper describes a portable emergency ECG monitor developed by using the single chip computer 8098 and the liquid crystal graphic display (LCD).
This paper describes a portable emergency ECG monitor developed by using the single chip computer 8098 and the liquid crystal graphic display (LCD).