Some materials, however, are easier to spin in this way than others, for if the molecules do not stick together, the liquid stream will break up.
The method further comprises flowing the gas-liquid stream through a high shear device so as to form a dispersion with gas bubbles having a mean diameter less than about 1 micron.
In another embodiment, the method further includes partially evaporating the refrigerant liquid stream within the heat exchange area to retain a liquid fraction of at least 1% by weight.
The Filter Coalescer is used to remove liquid and solid particulates from the fuel stream for performance requirements of the fuel system.
Open bleed port at high point in system and vent trapped air until a solid stream of liquid emerges.
Besides, leaching out of catalyst ingredients in inert liquid medium and entraining of small catalyst particles in outlet stream were to some extent responsible for the catalyst deactivation.
The measures of strengthening the mangement of chemical accidents are discussed by analysing the risks in transportation of dangerous goods of bulk liquid at down stream of the Yangtze River.
In general, the saturated stream is regarded as the ideal gas for calculating the heat of gasification for the saturated liquid.
A method and system for producing an alloy using a flowing stream of superheated halide vapor to flash vaporize liquid halides forming a mixture of gases in predetermined and controllable ratios.
The vortex in Doppler velocity field, Echo tops, Vertical integrated liquid, lift stream and cold advection are significant in this rainfall case.
The experimental results indicate that the technology of gas - liquid impinging stream can be used to control the FCC regenerator flue gas.
The circulation tank has a stainless steel tank, stream heating pipeline, filters, liquid level controller and pump for rinsing etc.
While several types of hoppers exist, they generally have a high velocity stream of mud going through them and a means of mixing either dry or liquid mud additives into the whole mud stream.
This paper describes the types, principles and basic technical requirements of separators used in gas field for removing the solid and liquid impurity in the gas stream.
Under negative pressure, nickel sulfate can be recovered from the liquid waste of copper electrolysis through the boiler stream. The recovery rate of nickel sulfate comes up to 98 %.
Experimental method, apparatus and data are presented for the liquid injection through a single orifice from a flat plate into the supersonic stream.
The wet method is to allow the gas stream to be filtered through the liquid container with powder, to purify, a powder with a liquid after drying treatment and then reused.
粉末的回收可分为湿式法和干式法。 湿式法就是让带有粉末的气流通过液体的容器进行过滤,达到净化,带有液体的粉末经过干燥处理再重复利用。 。
The wet method is to allow the gas stream to be filtered through the liquid container with powder, to purify, a powder with a liquid after drying treatment and then reused.
粉末的回收可分为湿式法和干式法。 湿式法就是让带有粉末的气流通过液体的容器进行过滤,达到净化,带有液体的粉末经过干燥处理再重复利用。 。