Listing 3. Extract from the FOAF blog list processing code in
清单3.bloginfo . py中实现从FOAFblog清单提取信息的代码。
Entity framework 4.5 and 5 and serial list processing possible without stored procedure?
The name Lisp comes from "list processing," and it is often said that everything in Lisp is a list.
Lisp这一名字来自于 “列表处理”,人们常说 Lisp中的任何东西都是一个列表。
The ContactListBroker interface (Listing 3) defines the function that our application needs for Contact list processing.
The processing of these lists using recursion and Lisp functions like car and CDR is the power of list processing using Lisp.
We discuss the completeness and efficiency of this scheme, and also give list processing and garbage collection algorithm.
Granted, it's certainly easier to just use the "length" member of list to get the number of items in the list, but the point is to illustrate, "in the large," how list processing can be so powerful.
The map is implemented in an efficient language (XSLT) so that processing the list twice does not affect the overall application performance.
To do so, it will pick off the first element of the list — the head — to do the processing on that element, and recursively pass the rest of the list to itself again.
为此,它将选取列表的第一个元素 — 列表头部 —来对该元素执行处理,然后再递归式地将列表的其余部分传递给自身。
Providing common actions such as refreshing the collections list, clearing the search results, and processing queries.
The BEGIN event represents the beginning of processing for that connection, so we add the response to the list of responses.
Personnel may review a list of, say, 24 orders requiring six different materials, with assemblies that may consist of multiple components, each with different secondary processing requirements.
This action forces the method that consumes the most processing time to appear at the top of the list.
You can use this script from your crontab list for regular processing or run as required from the command line.
Prioritizer: a list of rules and priorities applied to chunks and loads to determine order of processing.
The function, preg_grep , makes processing a list very easy: Simply provide the pattern as the first argument and an array of words to match as the second argument.
Some reports lend themselves very well to this type of processing - for example simple grouped list reports such as target reports for drill-through.
一些报表非常适合于这种处理—例如简单的分组列表报表,比如进行穿透钻取(Drill- through)的目标报表。
Transforms is an optional ordered list of processing steps that were applied to the resource's content before it was digested.
Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets also comes with some shortcut methods that convert list and cell feeds into native PHP arrays for easier processing.
The factors method returns a list of Numbers, so I'm processing the list one at a time, adding each element to the accumulating sum, which is the return value of reduce.
Of course, part of the power of lists comes in recursive processing of the list elements, which simply means pulling the head from the list until the list is empty, then accumulating the results.
In this case, when the user selects a contact in the rendered list, we want processing to continue with the detailview action passing the selected contact as a parameter with the request form data.
For example, if the expression doesn't use the last function then it is not necessary to do look-ahead processing to determine how many elements there are in the context list.
The second script, in Listing 3, contains the specific processing for the to-do list tool, including the offline processing bits.
清单3 是第二个脚本,包含to-do列表工具的特定处理,包括脱机处理。
A work node is similar to the concept of a work basket, which is essentially a list of items awaiting processing.
工作节点类似于工作篮(work basket)的概念,实质上就是等待处理的一列项目。
Text File processing in Jython is as simple as 3 liners of open(),readlines/writelines (taking a list) and close().
Jython中文本文件的处理只有简单的三行代码:open()、readlines/writelines (taking alist) 和 close()。
Here is a list of things to consider in order to optimize the performance boost that parallel processing can deliver.
Since you do not have to wait for a list to be generated (stop and go) or allocate a thread to processing the loop (pipelining), this can be the most efficient method.
The list shows the phases in their likely order of execution with event processing at each phase, but the JSF lifecycle is hardly set in stone.
Once we have this list of best-guess letters and Numbers, we can apply standard text-processing tools and informational lookups to extract useful information.