In some Computertowns there are question sessions, rather like radio phone-ins, where the experts listen to a lot of questions and then try to work out some structure to answer them.
Consumers listen to the radio on their way to school or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hours.
Once in a while, I'll listen to the radio to see what they are putting out, but it's not too often I hear something I like.
I can listen for useful information in a radio program.
Listening to FM via mobile phone is already happening among 13% of Nigerians, though in Lagos this climbs to 23% who listen to FM radio on mobile devices.
When I listen to a news programon National Public Radio I am filling in gaps in my mind, visualizing the partsI’m not seeing.
Radio programmes have already started with a highlight in Melvyn Bragg’s In Our Time: The Royal Society and British Science which is available to listen again online.
无限电节目已经开始已经以梅尔文布拉格的 “我们的时代中的英国皇家学会和英国科学会“为开始(在网上也可以听到),接着英国最好的业余科学家的搜寻组织的 "你想成为科学家吗?
In our radio broadcast, Jan and I explore (just hit the "Listen" button on this page) possible explanations for this tendency to slip into turns.
I usually listen to NPR, but in large media markets there are a lot of good choices on the radio dial.
I hate the traffic, the confusing design of highways in my city and the long periods of claustrophobic sitting with nothing to do but listen to the radio.
The majority of radio listeners still do it the old fashioned way: They turn on the radio in the car, for example, and just listen to whatever is playing locally.
I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net.
I watch TV or listen in to the radio, not only for news but mainly for ball games, soccer in particular.
When I was in college, I used to listen to educational audio programs on cassette tape with a Walkman radio.
May 2, 2008—People from the foothills of the Himalayas to small communities in Benin listen to the radio or watch TV.
2008年5月2日 -从喜马拉雅山山脚到贝宁小型社区的人们均收听无线广播或观看电视。
Learn English in different ways. Read newspapers, listen to the radio, watch English movies, listen to English lectures, read textbooks and talk with each other etc.
As Seth Godin would say, the only radio station people listen to is WII-FM (What's in It For Me).
正如Seth Godin(译注2)所说,人们想听的唯一一个广播电台是“我有什么好处调频”(译注3)。
We may listen to the radio in the traditional analogue broadcasting, in digital broadcasting, or through the Internet and our mobile phones, but we all want to have our own local communications.
If you listen in on Ham radio conversations, you realize that they're mostly about Ham radio.
Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention: people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.
Or try to hear the stress in individual words each time you listen to English-on the radio or in films for example.
Here, you have learned ideas about how to listen for key information, how to make listening tasks easier, and how to use songs, dictations, or radio programs in your English classes.
Listen to radio Virtually every radio station in the world is up for grabs with the Internet.
Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed, because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day.
Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed, because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day.