When he firstwalked into the room, he said to his mentor, ‘‘Oh boy, this is a dysfunctionalteam! Listen to the way they are arguing with each other.’’
当他第一次走进办公室的时候,他对他的导师说:“老兄,这个团队太混乱了! 你听听他们讨论问题的方式...”
Handel explained it this way: When we buy something from iTunes, we are paying for the license to listen to music or watch a movie on our iPhone or other Apple device.
However, the most important way to get this information is to ask your target market/customers directly and then listen.
The best way to do this is to listen to how they speak and then use many of the same words they use.
This is a way to combine East and West: more structure when our children are little (and will still listen to us), followed by increasing self-direction in their teenage years.
Like regular radio, it has real promotional value for artists plus this is a legal way for people to listen to music that they are probably not going to pay for anyway, but the artist still gets paid.
This frame of mind breeds insecurity, In the song All the Way, one of my favorite Frank Sinatra tunes, Frank sings, "who knows where the road may lead us, only a fool would say." Listen to Frank.
By the way, if you're a woman and you're reading this, it illustrates another point: women never listen.
Listen to the vitriol emanating from the bank and it is tempting to give up on this troubled place and find another way to channel cash to the world's poor.
This way, even when you're out and about, you can listen to your favourite music and read the lyrics at the same time!
这样的话,即使当你在外到处走动,你也可以在听你最爱的音乐同时阅读歌词啦! !
To listen in this way takes practice, and, it can be easily learned by anyone who is willing to put their own ego aside and just open themselves to experiencing the totality of the other person.
This way, you can still listen to music, take photos and read, but you can't connect to the Internet and get sucked into the black hole of wasting time.
I would like to listen the real words in one's heart, because this is the best way to understand one's thoughts and feelings.
In this reading lesson, we will read an article about how the Internet has affected the way we listen to music.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is scream. (laughs) Don't you ever feel this way? You just wanna let it all out. People should listen and decide for themselves.
We can not hear it, but we can listen to it. Love is nowhere. Love is everywhere. love needs our true heart to feel. Only in this way can we see love really exist on this world.
Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation.
Because it was alone teach, so that she just listen to me by this way, Neil asked us to show when guests visited.
The way to achieve this is hard, I know, because I am a girl and I am supposed to listen to the olders who believe that girls should stay at home, girls are so fragile and not as capable as boys.
The most difficult challenge to finance manager work is how to bring the maximal benefits to corporation. The way out of this problem is listen to the suggestion of staff and adopt it properly.
财务经理工作最大的挑战是如何让公司得到最大的利益,解决的办法是善于听取员工的意见 、 理智采纳。
With this bear in mind, one will realize that the best way to learn English is to speak and listen to it, not memorizing stiff grammar or vocabulary.
This app also supports two-way audio, so you can use your mobile device to listen to live audio from your baby camera, or broadcast audio to the camera's built-in speaker.
This makes sense to us because it is the way children acquire many word-meanings today. They see an animal and pet it, listen to it, perhaps smell it.
For example, if they need to learn English and they Iike music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.
For example, if they need to learn English and they Iike music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.