Where does the man usually listen to the radio?
Consumers listen to the radio on their way to school or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hours.
Once in a while, I'll listen to the radio to see what they are putting out, but it's not too often I hear something I like.
Peter: No, I'd like to listen to the radio news.
Yep, boring. Why do we watch TV, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, or go online?
She'd pick up English language newspapers each week and try to listen to the radio or television.
On the anniversary of 9/11, I try not to listen to the radio or watch TV—I just don’t want to see it.
I watch TV, listen to the radio, practice the piano, play sports and talk on the phone with my friends.
When driving we can choose to drive safely, not to answer the phone, or listen to the radio, or talk to passengers.
I don't hear as well as people with normal ears, but I can use the phone, listen to the radio and enjoy music.
For example, when you're riding your exercise bike, you don't have to listen to the radio or watch television.
You can watch TV, you can listen to the radio. Because the martial arts and meditation are two different areas.
Such as the book aside to listen to the radio, or temporarily put aside textbooks of practice to dictionary, etc.
When driving we can choose to drive safely, not to answer the phone, or listen to the radio, ortalk to passengers.
May 2, 2008—People from the foothills of the Himalayas to small communities in Benin listen to the radio or watch TV.
2008年5月2日 -从喜马拉雅山山脚到贝宁小型社区的人们均收听无线广播或观看电视。
You can't turn on the TV, listen to the radio or even walk down the street without someone trying to sell you something.
You see from Monday to Friday I have to stay at school. the only relaxation is to listen to the radio or play ball games.
Read newspapers, listen to the radio, watch English movies, listen to English lectures, read textbooks and talk with each other ect.
Listen to the radio, you want to find a share, then what are you doing at the moment, there are good things, can think of to share with me?
The software on the network can listen to the radio, watching network television, the use of more convenient, simple and beautiful pictures.
You can listen to the radio online, watch TV clips, read articles, and even play games to improve your English. You can even chat with people!
Although we don't need English so much in our daily lives, when we turn on the computer, listen to the radio, we may find English is everywhere.
You probably also watch a lot of TV, where you get entertainment and news. You might watch a lot of DVDs, and listen to the radio on the way to work.
We seemingly shall not converse, listen to the radio or watch television, until - after you have viewed them for one year - we unseal our images.
Although we don't need English so much in our daily lives, but when we turn on the computer, listen to the radio, we may find English is everywhere.
I hate the traffic, the confusing design of highways in my city and the long periods of claustrophobic sitting with nothing to do but listen to the radio.
You can read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch television. These three methods of communication bring daily news to millions of people everywhere.
You can read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch television. These three methods of communication bring daily news to millions of people everywhere.