It 's also believed that the listeners' background knowledge plays a very important role in the listening comprehension process.
However, listening comprehension strategies are important factors that influence the listeners' listening comprehension process.
Listening comprehension process, affected by listeners' verbal and nonverbal ability and their memory, is in fact an information - processing.
Findings from this study indicate that most students investigated belong to the beading learning style so they rely greatly on words in the process of listening comprehension.
Based on Schemata Theory, this paper believes that there are two information-processing modes in the process of listening comprehension: top-down processing and bottom-up processing.
Listening strategy is one of the most important factors which affect the process of listening comprehension.
The process of listening comprehension reveals that listening comprehension and memory involve many factors such as language knowledge, cultural backgrounds and so on.
Listening comprehension has traditionally been regarded as a passive process.
Listening comprehension is a complicated psychological language pr oc ess and creative mental process.
To cultivating listening comprehension, we should first of all have go od control over the students and then the key factors in the process of listening comprehension.
Listening comprehension, as a basic language skill, is a very complicated and interactive process of language and mind, as well as the exchange between schemata and language input.
The listening process and the listening comprehension are affected by affect reaction.
The process of listening comprehension is not a simple process of the encoding of language information, but an organic combination of encoding and meaning reconstruction.
This paper discusses the important role of schematic knowledge during the process of listening comprehension by analyzing the relationship between schema theory and English listening comprehension.
And these studies also indicate that there are four phases in the process of listening comprehension, and we should offer different ped…
It is universally acknowledged that listening process is an invisible complex mental process and listening comprehension is crucial in second language acquisition.
Listening comprehension has been recognized not as a passive receptive skill but as an active complex cognitive process.
Listening comprehension is anything but a passive activity, it is a complex and active process, in which a great deal of mental activities is involved.
Listening comprehension is anything but a passive activity, it is a complex and active process, in which a great deal of mental activities is involved.