Does the listing price include postage charges?
A joint venture brands such as air conditioning, market unification listing price is 4599 yuan, while the minimum retail price of just 3999 yuan;
Therefore, government has organized a central purchasing tendering for high value medical device since 2004, the listing price is declining gradually.
To see this in action, try creating a new listing and entering a minimum price that is higher than the maximum price.
The application shown in Listing 2, index.php, creates pizza orders using the Pizza class (shown in Listing 3) to calculate the price of each pizza.
In Listing 5, I update the simple Web scraper to routinely monitor the stock and send an E-mail message when the stock has moved outside of a defined price range.
在清单5中,将会让这个简单的Webscraper能够监视股票并在股票超过预先定义的价格范围时就发送e - mail消息。
Iterating through the stores, it reports the quantity, name, store name, and price for each plant. The output looks like Listing 5.
She then proceeded to tell me that instead of listing the book price as $265.00 it was printed as $26.50.
This means that whenever the element BookSales is referenced, the XML instance document will include number and price information with the title, the author, and the ISBN (see Listing 7).
这意味着无论何时引用元素BookSales ,XML实例文档都将在包含书名、作者和ISBN 的同时包含销量和售价信息(请参阅清单7)。
The query in Listing 24 retrieves information about comments involving products with a suggested retail price (srp) of more than $100 USD that include a customer request for a response.
清单22中的查询检索关于评论的信息,评论所涉及的产品是建议零售价("srp")大于 $100 的产品,并且在评论中客户请求响应。
In Listing 2, the event handler is only interested in price-quote, so it tests for it.
在清单2中,事件处理器仅对price -quote感兴趣,所以仅对它测试。
In Listing 8, we define a new price type that accepts values between -999,999.99 and 999,999.99.
在清单8中,我们定义了一个新的price类型,该类型接受- 999,999.99与999,999.99之间的值。
The output from Listing 13 will be 12345.08, the same as the price variable.
The Title, Artist, and Price fields are displayed with the column component, as shown in Listing 10 (only the Title field is shown).
Artist和Price域都是使用column组件显示的,如清单10 所示(此处只显示了Title域)。
Please see the attached price listing for more details.
Its shares are 7 per cent below their flotation price two years ago and virtually every crucial executive post at the social network has turned over since the listing.
Earnings of accounting are important contents of finance information about listed companies. It influences not only companies' listing but also changes of stock price.
Listing 1 is convenient for a SAX parser because the information is stored as attributes of price elements.
Therefore, the bid invitation, auction and listing policy is by no means the basic reason that makes land price rise, but it shows the real market price.
The multiple listing data indicates the average selling price for Regina and area homes was actually $187,129 in the final three months of the year.
Listing period of adjustment may be based on competitive bids were increased price range.
The results of the study indicate that: (1) the price of underlying stocks gain a positive effect, but the positive effect don't persist in a longer term after the warrants listing;
Cancelling bids and ending a listing early because the seller's desired price has not been met to avoid reserve fees.
There is no set issue price. The price will be determined by the centralized competitive prices offered by the listing company as the only seller and investors as the buyers.
Commitment: the listing made all of the real price for the landlord get the net price.
Buy it Now (or fixed-price) items are sorted based on recent sales history - how many have sold from a multi-quantity listing - as well as, relevance of keywords in the title, value, and DSR scores.
Buy it Now (or fixed-price) items are sorted based on recent sales history - how many have sold from a multi-quantity listing - as well as, relevance of keywords in the title, value, and DSR scores.