It is reported that the literacy rate is very low in the rural areas.
The literacy rate of Syrians aged 15 and older is 78% for males and 51% for females.
Kyrgyzstan has a high literacy rate (97% in 1994), and a strong tradition of educating all citizens.
The literacy rate for women in Tunisia is now over 70%, though only 27% of the Labour force is female.
With its literacy rate of less than 20%, Pakistan is the third most illiterate country in the world.
Local politicians and educators have started working together to improve the literacy rate of the nation.
India "s literacy rate is estimated to be 64."8% with 53.7 % of females and 75.3 % of males being literate.
Many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it.
In 12 countries, including Lesotho and the United Arab Emirates, the literacy rate for women is actually higher than that for men.
India's literacy rate is rising, thanks in part to a surge in cheap private schools for the poor, but it is still far behind China's.
In the field of education there was good news, with the census showing the literacy rate going up to 74% from about 65% in the last count.
The course consisted of four lessons that had a great number of illustrations to accommodate the low literacy rate of Brazilian electricians.
In 1961 Castro was able to increase Cuba's literacy rate from 77 to 96 percent in a single year - an amazing program that employed every sector of society.
Fishing is an important source of income in Kerala. People in the southwestern state also have the highest literacy rate in India and enjoy the best health.
In the West Bank, women make up less than 15 percent of the workforce, despite a female literacy rate of 90 percent-the highest in the Middle East and North Africa.
Although the literacy rate is high in China (significantly higher than in India), many children still do not attend school because their parents force them to work.
Takao Suzuki, general director of the National Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Nagoya, believes that Japan's almost perfect literacy rate is also a factor.
While India is ahead of Bangladesh in the male literacy rate for the age group between fifteen and twenty-four, the female rate in Bangladesh is higher than in India.
The drawback of the internet is that you have to be literate to use it. That is a huge problem in India, where the literacy rate is only 60% (in China and Russia, it is over 90%).
Apart from dramatic scenery, Iceland has a 100% literacy rate in the 300,000 population Living among an educated population which is tolerant towards minorities is a great bonus.
Interestingly, the female literacy rate among young Bangladeshis is actually higher than the male rate, whereas young women still have substantially lower rates than young males in India.
In contrast, chavez's much touted initiative increased literacy by only 1 percent and was largely superfluous - the country already had a 92 percent literacy rate, one of the highest in Latin America.
The long march to literacy is nearing an end: three-quarters of people aged 15-25 were literate in 1975; now the rate is nearly nine-tenths.
The long march to literacy is nearing an end: three-quarters of people aged 15-25 were literate in 1975; now the rate is nearly nine-tenths.