White had told me that many of these "Windows of time" lie in such close proximity that one could literally walk from one to another in the course of a couple of days.
This sees visitors literally walk into a lake via a ramp flanked by walls that leads to a circular observation deck with a wraparound bench designed for contemplating the water and woodland.
It seems it is literally impossible to go for a run or a walk without coming up with an idea that will knock you on your butt.
Perhaps most memorable, though, was the sight of the high-heeled shoes left behind on the White House walk, as personnel there literally ran for their lives.
"What I love is that you're literally facing your problem or situation together when you walk side by side with someone," she said.
But for each of us, our environment is literally what surrounds us: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we walk on.
The character of the new Center could be that of a 'walk in website', literally deriving its physiognomy from the mediating and orientational characteristics it must embody.
The character of the new Center could be that of a 'walk in website', literally deriving its physiognomy from the mediating and orientational characteristics it must embody.