Students need to get a strong foundation in literary theory and criticism before I let them in the room.
The dissertation focuses on the study of his literary theory.
That is the assumption that a course in literary theory provides for us.
This is his indirect contribution to structuralist literary theory.
Literary theory loses something that literary criticism just takes for granted.
"What is literature" is the core of literary theory, spreading and penetrating.
The modernity of literary theory is evident scientism and systematism of diction.
All right. Now the question, "How does literary theory relate to the history of criticism?"
Literariness and Estrangement are the focuses and embodiments of Russian formalism literary theory.
The structuralism theory is a kind of literary theory with specialized definition and historic meaning.
The term of universe realm is frequently used, yet it is rarely studied in the field of literary theory.
Section HI, looks into narration crisis of current literary theory, discusses "possible literary theory".
There's plainly a tendency in modern literary theory to reduce all the tropes of rhetoric to just these two terms.
There's plainly a tendency in modern literary theory to reduce all the tropes of rhetoric to just these two terms.
Imagination has always been an very important concept in the history of Western aesthetics and literary theory.
This question of determinism is as important in the discourse of literary theory as the question of skepticism.
I'm just trying to pull this back into the perspective of what we recognize perhaps more readily as literary theory.
Thus, feminist literary theory evolved an important literary criticism theory in the 20th century until present.
Culture Turning and literary Turning are important key words in the context of nowadays literary theory research.
I first started teaching this course in the late 1970s and 80s when literary theory was a thing absolutely of the moment.
The kernel of Science of literature, as a sub-discipline of the Chinese Literature, is the study of its literary theory.
In other words, in the absence of human agency, the first sacrifice for literary theory is the author, the idea of the author.
Literary theory is the theory systematically expounding the nature, characteristics, and analysis approach of literature.
That is to say for many, many, many people literary theory had something to do with the end of civilization as we know it.
By contrast, general readers in Asian countries never had any need for the doorway of literary theory when they read my fiction.
Literary theory is not concerned with issues of evaluation, and it's not really concerned with concomitant issues of appreciation.
Fiction criticism discusses and evaluates fiction writing in the form of literary theory and with a set of literary terms and principles.
This is an aspect of thought concerning literature that tends to fall out of literary theory but not out of the materials that we are reading this week.
Literary theory, as I say, is skeptical about the foundations of its subject matter and also, in many cases, about the foundations of what it itself is doing.
Literary theory, as I say, is skeptical about the foundations of its subject matter and also, in many cases, about the foundations of what it itself is doing.