I'm going to write this in a kind of "literate programming" style?
The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style.
Although his work on literate programming has not caught on in his original form, it has definitely influenced the way many of us think about writing and annotating programs.
The insight that prompts Leo is Donald Knuth's concept of "literate programming" -- that is, the idea that the source code for a program is only a small part of what makes it up.
Leo的根本特点在于 Donald Knuth 的“literate programming”的概念——也就是那种认为源代码只是构成程序的一小部分的想法。
The Ensure class is analogous to JUnit or TestNG's Assert type; however, it adds a series of methods that facilitate a more readable API (this is often called literate programming).
The Ensure class is analogous to JUnit or TestNG's Assert type; however, it adds a series of methods that facilitate a more readable API (this is often called literate programming).