Poor Thumbelina stood outside the door, like a beggar-girl, and begged for a little barley-corn, for she had not had anything to eat for two days.
In fact, most calories come from wheat and barley, which are full of carbohydrates but have little protein.
"In particular, we still know little about what grains people ate at this time, so the Lady of Introd could provide direct evidence of a diet composed of wheat, barley, or millet, " Killgrove said.
In fact, most calories came from wheat and barley, which are full of carbohydrates but have little protein.
I sat there with sailors who drank of two different coloured wines, and ate bread made of barley, and little salt fish served in bay leaves with vinegar.
Jn. 6:9 There is a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are these for so many?
For two years, rainfall has been far below normal, leaving the reservoirs dry, and American officials predict that wheat and barley output will be a little over half of what it was two years ago.
For two years, rainfall has been far below normal, leaving the reservoirs dry, and American officials predict that wheat and barley output will be a little over half of what it was two years ago.