Employees at times fare little better than the environment.
The post cards showed things looking a little better than they looked.
She pampers her own spoiled children and brings Jane up as little better than a servant.
They were always looking for a house just a little better than the place we were living on.
In one recent poll Mr Obama was perceived as doing little better than his predecessor, George Bush.
Today, we make a sincere effort to ensure that the children left the world a little better than now.
The police are in even worse shape, regarded by most Afghans as little better than robbers in uniform.
The combative Mr Correa has treated his former supporters little better than he does foreign bondholders.
Fortunately, I have a little better than the others is that I do not have acne, but the pores are quite big.
Today, we make a sincere effort to ensure that the world is left to the children, a little better than it is now.
I guess. I suppose that a meritocratic elitism is a little better than a purely inherited or wealth-based elitism.
What evidence there is tends to indicate that human lovebirds are little better than their feathered counterparts.
More than anything, design is about solving problems or making the current situation a little better than before.
Actors playing mermaids and Greek warriors lounged around in costumes little better than those at a Halloween party.
Let go of what’s been done, focus on the good and continue to strive to make each day a little better than the one before.
The fact that we have to book seats in advance and dress a little better than usual makes going to a party an occasion.
But Jesse's older brothers were able to get jobs in factories. So life was a little better than it had been in the South.
Bloggers understand the web just a little better than most and can provide their knowledge to others in a positive fashion.
Keeping that in mind, dress a little better than you would for a day at work and make sure your clothes are neat and clean.
Mastery of the Light requires a focused mind and tremendous willpower. Without these, you are little better than street thug.
They are seen as little better than animals, their faces branded at birth to mark them as the bastard children of the kingdom.
That the boys liked this little better than the girls is very clearly evident from the story I have already told of the Field Mouse.
It was only a little better than living out of their car, and she wished with all her heart that she could provide more for her child.
One section was little better than a tumble of stone; it was splotchy with yellow lichen and clearly had been that way for some time.
But in the countryside, particularly the North China countryside, the position of women was little better than it was fifty years ago.
Unless spending picks up as Christmas approaches, demand growth in the fourth quarter of 2006 is likely to be little better than in the third.
Journalists fared little better than politicians with 24% of people trusting them, putting them below bankers, estate agents and lawyers.
In fact, the national team does a little better than you would expect, given the country's size, wealth and experience in international football.
The group used facial expressions, body language and ways of talking and thinking to spot liars while the others did little better than chance.
The group used facial expressions, body language and ways of talking and thinking to spot liars while the others did little better than chance.