Dough is kneaded and then molded into little cute animals by this folk artisan.
Haha, she is Nini, a little cute mouse we baught in the Königsee. On the way home, I took some pictures for her.
My family has a little member ---- a little cute dog, "who" was given to me by one of my good friends about five months ago.
These huge plants were planted when they were tiny little cute sprouts without any consideration given to the characteristics of the mature plant.
Mother don't know where to come a little cute like cotton candy, I like it, every day to feed is to give it, always accompany it a frolic, never go to black.
I'm a good man, kind, warm, s mart, humor, may be a little cute, and knowledgeable, frank, honest...... but I'm not rich, in wealth, power, and social position.
I've got a chubby body, a long, narrow face, pointy ears and a cute little tail.
The next time you see a cute little marmoset, don't make a noise, just keep quiet.
The piece is really cute. You can just imagine a scene that a little donkey is ambling along a country road with its master.
Like most consumers, she finds little time to shop, and when she does, she's on the hunt for "cute stuff that isn't too expensive".
I loved the cute little button that let me quickly open new tabs and the way she showed me thumbnails of my favorite sites; I didn't even have to ask.
我超喜欢她那可爱的小按钮,就是那些可以让我快速打开新标签的小加号(+)。 我甚至都不用告诉她,她就会自动显示我最常去站点的缩略图。
Nothing like the death of a cute little animal to stir passions and generate pen PALS!
This party is the definition of cute overload. I feel a little sick to my tummy. I might barf rainbows.
The strip can probably exist on the level of 'cute' little jokes each day, but if you really want to involve the readers, it needs more substance – more plot.
Cute little Ms. Freckles gives you all the tools to conduct a meta search here.
You get the time of your visit, a cute little logo for each webpage and the links look exactly like links.
Either way, next time you see a cute little marmoset, forget “oooh” or “awwww” or “ee-ee-ee。”Try shhhh。
Taught or Not - a cute little game that tests your knowledge of who influenced who throughout the history of thinkers.
A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute little dog. She asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite?"
Angel on the doorstep... make some cookies, put some in a cute little package, put them on the doorstep of your neighbor's house, ring the bell!
The piece is really cute? you can just imagine a little donkey ambling along a country road with its master?
Retro dress with a little sense of design, small ribbon bow waist belt, very feminine skirt folds Jisi cute girl giving another breath.
Tell you what, I married a cute little old Texas girl down in Childress -- Lureen.
Cute chopsticks for kids feature little simian hands on the tips.
Seems these cute little bear cubs have a better destiny, they were sent to Moscow to be taught circus tricks and build their professional career in the Moscow circus.
In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary doll, but in my eyes she is a very cute little girl.
In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary doll, but in my eyes she is a very cute little girl.