Our destination was Lebuh Pasar, commonly known as "Little India".
Mani, an astrologer's "assistant" in Singapore's "Little India" along Serangoon Road had also picked the right winners for all the quarter-final ties and the Spain-Germany semi-final.
The EAT report presumes that "traditional diets" in countries like India include little red meat, which might be consumed only on special occasions or as minor ingredients in mixed dishes.
She felt as if they were wondering what a little girl from India was doing in their house.
It's a little bigger than that of India.
But the three-day meeting ended with little sign that India is willing to try a new strategy, despite the obvious failings of the current one.
Now, India has the right to say, "I told you so, " even if its suspicions may have been based on little hard evidence.
When P&G decided on a big push into India in 2003-04, margins at Hindustan Unilever, Unilever's Indian subsidiary, fell from just over 20% to a little more than 13%.
And there are spikes in Moscow, lots of tiny little spikes in India, spikes of Africa, etc.
The price spike is mainly explained by unfavourable weather-too little rain in India and too much in Brazil.
The high-altitude desert of Leh in northern India falls in the rain shadow of the Himalayas, receiving as little precipitation as the Sahara.
There is little money around: the average income per person in China is around $3,500 and in India $1,000.
At the current level the eurozone crisis would have little impact on India but Europe was an important export destination and source of foreign investment.
He says the market declines that began in the United States two weeks ago have had little impact in India.
Two years ago, a team of linguists plunged into the remote hill country of northeastern India to study little-known languages, many of them unwritten and in danger of falling out of use.
The cold, hard proof may do little to change perceptions; and if India was willing to come to the table before, it may still be now.
In the end, there may be little the bank can do to clean up governance in a large, powerful country, such as India.
Especially in India, private schools (many costing as little as 50 cents a day) are springing up everywhere.
A study from the late 90s done in India stated this little plant contributed to over 500 deaths in a single year.
Worldwide, about two billion people -a third of the globe -get too little iodine, including hundreds of millions in India and China.
Over the past six years, India and China have engaged in 13 rounds of border discussions with little visible progress toward an agreement.
India is next, with its citizens moving up the income ladder and reaching a sizeable 1.07 billion in a little under 20 years.
India is next, with its citizens moving up the income ladder and reaching a sizeable 1.07 billion in a little under 20 years.