"Yes, my little man," Slightly anxiously replied, who had chapped knuckles.
They wanted to hear about Ivedy-Avedy too, but the little man only told them about Humpy-Dumpy.
In his works, he paid special attention to the "little man" at the bottom of society in the UK, which deeply mirrored the social reality at that time.
They went up to the woodman, and asked him what he would take for the little man.
At first, the Little Man petted and caressed them and smoothed down their hairy coats.
It is a very tacky whirligig with a little man who chops wood as the wind blows the propeller.
There was in him a headstrong little man who hated Napoleon.
Nor had Cal moved one step nearer when the little man invited Cal to kiss her.
One day a scrawny little man came up and said in a low voice, "I'd like to try the bet."
A little man with gray mustache cut off her hair with shears and dropped it on the ground.
I reached the wall just in time to catch my little man in my arms; his face was white as snow.
If you've been reading Dumb Little Man for a while, you might have figured out that I'm a writer.
The idea that teens need to be encouraged to slap the clown or rock the little man in the boat is bizarre.
His translator was an odd little man with a moustache and a dapper suit, whose cell phone kept ringing.
The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, "No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows."
He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.
Thee crowd gaped, for it was a grotesque sight to see this little man ranting away just as if he were addressing his followers.
The little man waved the stick three times over the dwarf and struck him once on the right shoulder and once on the left shoulder.
This goes on three nights, and by the third night the girl is promising the little man her first born child in return for his help.
I was beginning to like this strange little man. I gave him another whisky and asked him why he thought that he was now in danger himself.
But the little Man, instead of laughing, became so loving toward the little animal that, with another kiss, he bit off half of his left ear.
They worship bigness yet idealize the little man, whether he be the small business man as opposed to the big one or the plain citizen as opposed to the big wheel.
Even pounded into the mud until he swallowed it, as he was in a football match in “Up in the World” (1956), he emerged as “that dangerous little man”, baring his teeth like a tiger.
就像他于1956年出演的电影《平步青云》中一场足球赛那样,即使被捣成烂泥,也要坚持到把烂泥吞下去。 电影中,他扮演“富有攻击性的矮小子”,这小子露出像老虎一样的牙齿。
Though modern jockeys are diminutive in size and this gives them an advantage of being light on a horses back, the meaning of “little man” was more along the lines of “commoner” or “underling.”
虽然现代的骑师通常都身材矮小,那将使他们在马背上更加轻盈,但“little man”的含义更类似于“平民”或“下属”。
Dummling went straight into the forest, and there sat the little grey man to whom he had given his cake.
I now understand why the little elephant under the red blanket was so possessive of the man who had rescued her.
Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.