They both drop names of unknown little people they thought made them sound like nice guys.
Enjoy your time reading with your little people, adding silly songs or playing word games.
But the bully me after all is little people, there are many students of justice is in town.
Every day the mice and the little people spent time in the maze looking for their own special cheese.
I like the main living areas of our home to feel like grown ups live here and not just little people.
“We don't pay taxes,” she was said to have told a housekeeper once; “only the little people pay taxes.”
For a skill so essential to success that affects every area of your life (from dating, to family, to work) it's amazing how little people know about this.
THE IMF used to be accused of clobbering little people in order to protect Big Finance. Now it is devising ways to squeeze the banks in order to defend society.
As had happened the night before, he found the little people dancing and singing.The old man shaved him smooth once again, and indicated that he should take some coal.
We started out with a little ragtag team of 30 people.
Remember the little details of the people you met or you talk with; perhaps the places they have been to, the place they want to go, the things they like, the thing they hate—whatever you talk about.
This is the story of the little fox that has come back, and the people who have dedicated their lives to protecting it.
These people have real human skills and real knowledge because they rely so little on technology.
If you are lost in the woods, a little knowledge can turn what some people call a hardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of modern society.
A common phenomenon of the modern society is that a growing number of people know little about their neighbors, although they live in the same community for many years.
She wasn't at all the mindless little wife so many people perceived her to be.
They should take a little time and say a prayer for the people on both sides.
This is certainly a little difficult for people who are more used to a hierarchical system.
In countries where automobile insurance does not include compensation for whiplash, people often have little incentive to report whiplash injuries that they actually have suffered.
If environmental destruction results when people have either too little or too much, we are left to wonder how much is enough.
They are little lessons which older people of a culture pass down to the younger people to teach them about life.
I felt like a scared little pup, because there were so many people in one room.
Another possible explanation for historians' neglect of the subject is their widespread assumption that most people in early modern England had little contact with civil law.
All too often such policies are an insincere form of virtue signaling that benefits only the most privileged and does little to help average people.
A gamification strategy that is not sufficiently thought through or well tailored to its players may engage people for a little while, but it will not motivate people in the long term.
The payroll survey also doesn't capture the number of self-employed, and so says little about how many people are generating an independent income.
The payroll survey also doesn't capture the number of self-employed, and so says little about how many people are generating an independent income.