All that is required is the right kitchen equipment and a little smart shopping at your grocery store to make healthy choices.
Ms Smart: Ahh! I've got an email from little Tom!
Not that she was competent, strong, creative, or smart but that every little girl wants — or should want — to be the Fairest of Them All.
Because the smart phone has no native ability to deal with LDAP and the desktop phone does not handle WAP2, there seems to be little common ground.
To the contrary, smart people prepare things well in advance and that way they outperform those with little or no preparation. They accomplish the job in less time and with less stress.
Afa get close to her a little bit, said, "Right, you are really not pretty but smart."
And the smart customer knows not to ask questions when the little grill is filled with meat.
Productive people know that the smart choice is to spend a little bit of time right now in order to save lots of time in the future.
Don't they realize that if someone is smart enough to read a text, they're also capable of understanding what the little bobble head with the sound waves coming out of him symbolizes?
Working smart is about paying attention and taking the time to do your research. It isn't, however, obsessing over getting every little detail figured out.
The quality of the paperback was beyond dispute: the text clear, unsmudged and justified, the paper thick, the jacket smart, if initially a little tacky to the touch.
That's a very good question. You're a very smart little girl. Good luck trying to find a husband!
If the elderly person was a little forgetful, the smart home would perform tasks such as shutting off the water before a tub overflowed or turning off the oven if the cook had wandered away.
I know that may seem like a surprising thing to say when I've just sort of gone on my little gleeful amount about how I'm going to fail all of you, but it's worth my saying you guys are so smart.
These smart phones sell for as little as $100, where a real name-brand version might sell for three to six times that much.
Then one of the ants inside the self-proclaimed "smart ant" little ant after ant to say: "We can move a small pieces down a small pieces, then let ants big effort to move back to the watermelon.
And his talks are all very intelligent with great logic, all his teachers say he is a very smart little boy.
One animated movie is called" Smart Machine" . It is about a little boy who meets a food-selling machine that suggests he eat healthful food like fruit.
You are a smart little girl, respect teachers, love learning, the classroom often to see your eyes full of Aura, and consciously take the initiative to learn more.
Technical innovation and smart design have little value if the headset doesn't feel comfortable for continuous use.
One animated movie is called " Smart Machine". It is about a little boy who meets a food-selling machine that suggests he eat healthful food like fruit.
Selkowitz says smart windows could be widely available in as little as three years, but they won't be cheap — possibly costing twice as much as today's windows.
The foolish man suffered a little criticism will get desperation, and smart people are eagerly hope from those who blame them, opposed them, hinders them learn more lessons.
You should keep him in the palace, and guard him so that he does not escape, for he is a smart little fellow.
It's not that I'm smart, it's just that I get along a little longer.
"You may have a very smart coat, " he said, "but you would be a great deal better off if you had a little more smartness inside your head and less on your ribs, the way I am.
My little sister is so smart! She's only in nursery school and she can spell her name backwards and forwards.
My little sister is so smart! She's only in nursery school and she can spell her name backwards and forwards.