Until the recent discovery of fossilized sauropod nesting grounds, scientists were thus uncertain whether sauropods laid eggs or gave birth to live young.
Only 2% of students are at universities outside their home countries; and only 3% of people live outside their country of birth.
In some cases of live birth, the white paper reported that prison guards killed the infant or left it for dead.
Awaiting the birth of their son, they live through the creation and infancy of Israel.
Doctors at a Berlin hospital have made a medical breakthrough after capturing live MRI images of the miracle of birth.
But the latter group, it turns out, was less likely to miscarry again and more likely to have a live birth.
The largest creature ever to live, the blue whale averages 25 feet (7.6 meters) long at birth and weighs about three tons.
The nation where I live began as a notion that people should not have their lives determined by birth, but rather by their talents and efforts.
There are countries in Africa where people live close to health facilities but they give birth at home.
I believe that there are some people because of birth trauma, has caused them to be angry from the moment they live the world.
Ichthyosaurs also resembled cetaceans in another way: unlike most living reptiles, which lay eggs, they gave birth to live young.
As for the Tadzhiks, they have to occupy basements where they live, give a birth to their children, bring them up, cook food, wash themselves in the basins and have meal among the pipes.
Notably, the snake populations studied all give birth to live young (other species like pythons, lay eggs) and are sit-and-wait predators, making them more vulnerable to change in their environments.
He said experts would typically expect to see live birth rates of around 15 per cent in a group of 40-year-old women.
'I want to show people that even if you have a birth defect it doesn't matter, you can live your life however you want.'
You give birth, if it is a boy, let it live; if it is a girl, expose it.
However, not all embryos survive the freezing and thawing process, and the live birth rate is lower with cryopreserved embryo transfer.
A number of relevant outcomes including pregnancy and live birth (LB) rates were investigated.
Change in the miscarriage rate, live birth rate per cycle started, or the multiple pregnancy rate.
Pregnancy rates, and more importantly live birth rates, are influenced by a number of factors, especially the woman's age.
Small and new programs may still be determining their live birth rates, although their personnel may be equally well qualified.
Older programs have established live birth rates based on years of experience.
RESULTS Clinical pregnancy and live birth rates were 58 and 56%, respectively.
It is also important to understand the definitions of pregnancy rates and live birth rates.
Live birth rates following microsurgical tubal reversal have been reported to range between 55-81% in several reported series.
根据几项不同的研究报告,显微输卵管复通术的活产率约在55 ~ 81%范围内。
Live birth rates following microsurgical tubal reversal have been reported to range between 55-81% in several reported series.
根据几项不同的研究报告,显微输卵管复通术的活产率约在55 ~ 81%范围内。