I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.
Those who live alone can communicate with other people while dancing.
I live alone, so I was missing the days when we were free to communicate with friends.
In Switzerland, keeping only one goldfish isn't allowed, because the government believes it is very bad to make such social animals live alone.
Although they live alone in the wild, the sun bears in the study often played gently with each other.
People who live alone are less likely to go to the doctor appointments, to exercise or to eat a healthy diet.
Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone, and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so.
They must show each other kindness and pity and many other qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert.
The old people require more care and attention when they live alone.
About one-third of Americans older than 65 live alone; half of those over 85 do.
Would you ever go shark cage diving? Would you ever live alone in a foreign country?
Do you love me? Has been to the extent of the danger. To what extent? Can't live alone.
Live alone in foreign, far away for family, what would do when you miss family members?
Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their rivals away.
Don't want to come back, thank you! 'If you stop working and live alone you will go quietly mad.'
In addition, when they leave their parents and start to live alone, they would meet fewer difficulties.
Side note: if you don't live alone, your housemates or family members might not appreciate all the yelling.
People are far less likely to get married, more likely to delay getting married, and more likely to live alone.
No one can live alone, people need to communicate with others, it is an important lesson for college students to learn.
Parents lavish their love and care on their children. However, when they become old, some of them are condemned to live alone.
According to the regulation, parents or other guardians cannot let minors spend the night outside or let them live alone without wardship.
Many don't like their partner interfering in their former life, making them adopt an attitude of "if worst comes to worst, I'll live alone."
Some old people regardless of the sons of exhortation, to live alone, even cut off and children later in life has many unpleasant things.
If you live alone, the MiFi could even be your regular home Internet service, too - one that you can take with you when you head out the door.
If you live alone, the MiFi could even be your regular home Internet service, too - one that you can take with you when you head out the door.