Civilisations live and die by their founding myths.
I will die, you willdie, millions will live and die, but Italy does not die.
That's the style they play. They kind of live and die with the three-point shot.
The conditions in which farm animals live and die can be improved by our purchase power.
We find that our laziest Linux cluster admins will live and die by the command line.
Early experiments put the Avidians on a grid of cells, and let them live and die there.
Two of the great new additions to the 1.3 version of jQuery are the live and die functions.
jQuery 1.3版本的另外两个强大的新特性是live和die函数。
The Serpentine gypsies live and die by a single code: If you are my friend, you are my family.
Make us worthy, Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger.
Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try. ----Mary Kay Ash.
大多数人都是壮志未酬身先死,因为他们从来不敢去尝试。 ---玫琳凯。艾施。
Probably members of your team live and die by certain software programs but use others infrequently.
Laugh and cry, live and die. Life is a dream, we are dreaming. Look for the soul and life the meaning!
Thank you so much for letting me realized how important your presence is... I will live and die for you.
A number of tantalizing questions could then be addressed: how do stars live and die in that wild setting?
For some reason, I was born in America, and they were born here, to live and die as generations had before.
We don't live and die online and there are loads of things we can do to keep busy while the ISP fixes the issue.
How many of us in the parallel vast universe are there? How many times live and die? How many silent reincarnations?
They live and die again and again to help others be free from Samsara, while most of us are reborn out of attachment to Samsara.
Just let me wake up in the morning, to the smell of new-mown hay, to laugh and cry, to live and die in the brightness of my day.
Yet the private sector is not the comfortable oligarchy it might seem, for family firms compete head on and often live and die by the sword.
Phones are social objects; they live and die on cultural perception, on our collective assessment of what carrying them can do for our style.
Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference between a beech and an elm, between the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird.
Trust is that is the key thing we are trying to drive all the time, in the advertising we do and services we provide – that's the core principle that we live and die by.
The important point here is that the genetic information is faithfully copied down the generations, while the vehicles or interactors live and die without actually being copied.
Racier operations, including proprietary trading and other sorts of "casino" banking, should be spun off to outfits prepared to live and die by their wits, with no state guarantee.
Racier operations, including proprietary trading and other sorts of "casino" banking, should be spun off to outfits prepared to live and die by their wits, with no state guarantee.