Thirteen percent of the population live below the poverty line.
Nearly half of all ger dwellers live below the poverty line.
More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line.
Some 700,000 Serbs, of a population of 7.3m, live below the poverty line.
About 30 percent of India's more than one billion people live below the poverty line.
Measuredby World Bank standards, more than 200million Chinese still live below the poverty line.
Now a new study shows that time matters more than money even when you live below the poverty line.
Measured by World Bank standards, more than 200 million Chinese still live below the poverty line.
And, it is having a devastating affect upon a country where 50 percent of the inhabitants live below the poverty line.
This month, it was reported that 15.1 percent of Americans live below the poverty line last year, the high level since 1993.
Most of the people Mr Perry is referring to live below the poverty line, and still pay payroll taxes on what little they earn.
If in accordance with the standards of the world bank, China there are more than two hundred million people live below the poverty line.
At the same time, many more South Africans are joining the 40% who already live below the poverty line, as struggling companies lay off workers.
Nonetheless, we have to recognize that about one billion people in the world still live below the poverty line and hundreds of millions suffer from hunger.
In the Mississippi Delta, some 27% of families live below the poverty line, making it one of the densest concentrations of relative deprivation in the country.
However, his enthusiasm and knowledge is not necessarily shared by other residents of this village - where many in the population of about 1,500 people live below the poverty line.
然而,村里的其他人并不都像阿尔曼那样表现出高涨的热情,想法和他也不一样。 村子里大约有1500人左右,大多数人都生活在贫困线以下。
Nearly half of Colombians live below the official poverty line (though this is set higher than in other Latin American countries).
This is because in America, the definition of a food desert is any census area where at least 20% of inhabitants are below the poverty line and 33% live more than a mile from a supermarket.
Around 48 million Chinese live below China's domestic poverty line, accounting for 3.7 % of the total population.
Some 44m Americans live below the official poverty line ($21, 954 a year for a family of four).
Suddenly the number of Chinese who live below the World Bank's poverty line of a dollar a day jumped from about 100 million to 300 million, roughly the size of the United States population.
Suddenly the number of Chinese who live below the World Bank's poverty line of a dollar a day jumped from about 100 million to 300 million, roughly the size of the United States population.