A study by Liverpool John Moores University found regular use could help shift 27lb (12.25kg) a year.
Dr Dave Wilkinson is an ecologist at Liverpool John Moores University, who has written extensively about Ascension Island's strange ecosystem.
David Goldspink, Professor of Cell and Molecular Sports Science at Liverpool John Moores University, said yesterday that women's longevity is linked to the strength of their hearts.
Adil, from Peshawar, is in his final year of an MBA at Liverpool John Moores University and spent most of the yesterday in the library working on the dissertation he has to submit by 30 April.
Most of those surveyed for the report by John Moores University in Liverpool and Australia's National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre said they regularly used bars and nightclubs.
这项由利物浦的约翰·摩尔大学(John Moores University)及澳大利亚国家毒品与酒精研究中心(National Drug andAlcohol Research Centre)所开展的调查显示,多数受访者是酒吧和夜店的常客。
Most of those surveyed for the report by John Moores University in Liverpool and Australia's National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre said they regularly used bars and nightclubs.
这项由利物浦的约翰·摩尔大学(John Moores University)及澳大利亚国家毒品与酒精研究中心(National Drug andAlcohol Research Centre)所开展的调查显示,多数受访者是酒吧和夜店的常客。