Liverpool University and the University of Lancashire psychologists conducted the first female height research.
The Stirling, Chester and Liverpool university researchers took photos of the men and women in more than 100 couples.
The University of Liverpool is currently inviting applications for off-site doctoral student positions at the Xi 'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), Suzhou, China.
The first few cohorts will get degrees from Liverpool; the new university will soon award its own degrees.
In 2006, scientists at the University of Liverpool asked participants in a study to view individual photos of men and women and judge their personalities.
To make the breakthrough, a team of physicists at IBM Research Zurich in Switzerland and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom used a device called a scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
He later moved back to the north-west of England to attend the University of Liverpool.
The project is being carried out by Bournemouth University with the Primate Evolution and Morphology Group at the University of Liverpool.
The African study was a collaboration between researchers in South Africa, Malawi, and the University of Liverpool in the UK.
It was in fact the former Miss Canada finalist and professional actress, 53 year old Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy, a student of Liverpool Hope University in the UK.
Dr Dave Wilkinson is an ecologist at Liverpool John Moores University, who has written extensively about Ascension Island's strange ecosystem.
Craig Roberts of the University of Liverpool and his colleagues-working with a team from Unilever's research laboratory at nearby Port sunlight-have been investigating the problem.
The university of Liverpool evolutionary psychologists said, the research is very interesting, but biologists is still not fully know why will appear this kind of phenomenon.
A study by Liverpool John Moores University found regular use could help shift 27lb (12.25kg) a year.
But Leo Gross and colleagues from IBM Research Zurich and the Surface Science Research Centre at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom found ways around these problems.
Most of those surveyed for the report by John Moores University in Liverpool and Australia's National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre said they regularly used bars and nightclubs.
这项由利物浦的约翰·摩尔大学(John Moores University)及澳大利亚国家毒品与酒精研究中心(National Drug andAlcohol Research Centre)所开展的调查显示,多数受访者是酒吧和夜店的常客。
Adil, from Peshawar, is in his final year of an MBA at Liverpool John Moores University and spent most of the yesterday in the library working on the dissertation he has to submit by 30 April.
Those aged six to 13 who were shown ads for foods high in fat and carbohydrates foods were more likely to choose unhealthy meals, a University of Liverpool study found.
ScienceDaily (Aug. 12, 2008) — The contraceptive pill may disrupt women's natural ability to choose a partner genetically dissimilar to themselves, research at the University of Liverpool has found.
At the same time, the London School of the University of Liverpool in the course of study will lead you into one of the world's largest financial center - London.
This is the website of Department of Immunology, University of Liverpool.
Degrees are granted by our founding partner, the University of Liverpool, a 134-year-old UK institution and a member of the prestigious Russell Croup.
Aintree University Hospitals NHS, Liverpool.
When we say that Cambridge is a university town, we do not mean just that it is a town with a university in it. London and Liverpool have universities, but we do not call them university towns.
Luis Cuevas of the World Health Organization and the University of Liverpool in England and colleagues, taking two "spot" samples in the clinic an hour apart, and a third one the next day.
At the 24th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Ben Carter from the University of Liverpool explained the potential of dry water.
Being on the pill may affect women's ability to sniff out the perfect partner, according to the University of Liverpool. 100 women were asked to sniff 100 men's sweaty shirts.
Being on the pill may affect women's ability to sniff out the perfect partner, according to the University of Liverpool. 100 women were asked to sniff 100 men's sweaty shirts.