Later I took a lot of photos in the snow and played snowballs with students living in the same dorm with me.
后来在雪地上照相, 在宿舍前面和住在我们宿舍楼的人打雪仗……
The dorm had four corridors each with around 25 girls living in single and double rooms.
Thee dorm had four corridors each with around 25 girls living in single and double rooms.
Do you like living in a coed dorm?
"Which dorm are you living in?" another girl inquired.
For those living in a dorm for the first time, sharing things, such as a laptop or paper towels, can be a source of conflict.
Eventually, he was passed on to Ron Weasley and spent several years as Ron's pet, even living at Hogwarts in the same dorm room as Harry Potter, the enemy of his master.
Whether you're living in a dorm room, an on-campus apartment, or an off-campus house, you will probably have to deal with one or more roommates.
先与你的室友交流一下个人的生活习惯。 比如,你是不是喜欢早起?你的室友是否喜欢听很大声的音乐?
After three years of studying in a dorm room that resembles a white box, Daphne Oz, a senior at Princeton University and Dr. Oz's daughter, says she's ready to do more with her living space.
在好像是白盒子一样的寝室里进行三年的学习之后,普林斯顿大学大四生,Oz博士的女儿Daphne Oz说她已准备好对她在生活空间上多做一些事情。
After three years of studying in a dorm room that resembles a white box, Daphne Oz, a senior at Princeton University and Dr. Oz's daughter, says she's ready to do more with her living space.
在好像是白盒子一样的寝室里进行三年的学习之后,普林斯顿大学大四生,Oz博士的女儿Daphne Oz说她已准备好对她在生活空间上多做一些事情。