Despite cold caches and extremely rapid load ramp-up, we achieved a maximum throughput of 1,026 orders/min at 9,000 concurrent shoppers.
尽管使用了冷缓存和出现极速负载攀升,我们还是在同时出现 9,000 个购物者的情况下实现了 1,026订单/分钟的最大吞吐量。
Each performance test consisted of a ramp-up period, followed by a period with a full user load.
If you are trying to build a half pipe that is 6 feet high on flat ground you will need at least one full dump truck load of snow for each side of the ramp.
But if the coupler's locomotive traction on the ramp is same as on the straight road, the axle load transfer will be a increase slightly.
Two methods are used to analyze DF8B locomotive axle load transfer on the ramp analysis, the results were compared.
采用了两种方法对东风8 B型机车在坡道上的轴重转移进行了分析,并对结果进行了对比。
It shows that under the same locomotive traction, the ramp has little effect on the axle load transfer not to be considered.
Finally, it makes the dynamic time-history analysis of different gradient overhead sloping ramp, makes clear the weak link and the force transmission route of this structure under moving load action.
Finally, it makes the dynamic time-history analysis of different gradient overhead sloping ramp, makes clear the weak link and the force transmission route of this structure under moving load action.