Guide Shafts: Hardened ground and polished, oversize diameter for load support and rigidity.
For the application, load a simple table with employee data; the table will support sorting on any of its columns.
Variables included the slope of the land, the ability of the pavement to support the load.
Support for XML schema — You can load existing XML schemas and XML schema documents from the XML schema repository in the database and view properties such as target namespace or schema location.
Prolonged high CPU utilization is interesting because it could mean the site is flooded with traffic, and we simply do not have enough hardware capacity to support the load.
This is a unique feature because cloud providers may not support specialized hardware for load balancing.
As we want the new system to last for several years, the goal was to support at least an order of magnitude more load.
This also assists in capacity planning, and in determining the number of application clones that will be required within the clustered environment to support load expectations.
The database wouldn't perform at high load very often (if at all), but it needed to have rich feature support.
The server deployment can be designed based on load levels and resources rather than language support requirements.
GRUB 2's modular nature means that you can explicitly load modules to support various features.
We are wired to literally share the processing load, and this is the signal we're getting when we receive support through touch.
Support of external table creation, access, load, and unload from within the stored procedures makes it easier to perform the batch load and unload operations.
ETL services support the initial and incremental extract, transform, and load of data from one or more source systems to meet the needs of one or more targets, such as a data Warehouse and MDM system.
Let's return to the very first example described in this article, where the database was maxed out and the user needed to support 10 times their current load.
As time passes, they slowly remove the support structure and allow the trees to bear the load.
Also, we added four more CPs, increased the memory to 26 GB, and added more DASD to support the full user load.
Load-balancing, failover and throttling support.
If the details are not loaded already, or if the browser does not support Workers, then you make an Ajax call to load this data.
InfoQ: Does the CloudCat server environment also support load balancing?
The load balancing and workload management capabilities of WebSphere Application Server, as well as its failover support, are the basis of many isolation mechanisms.
WebSphere application Server can provide enterprise class facilities to your Spring applications, such as transaction support, work load management and high availability, to name a few.
It is not possible to load the db2 application support library within the context of the db2 engine process, so all SQL interactions must be done in a process that is separate from db2syscs.exe.
在db2引擎进程的上下文中,无法装载db2应用程序支持库,因此所有SQL交互必须在db2syscs . exe之外的另一个进程中执行。
However, there are two factors that will affect the estimation of the hardware requirement to support average load on the web tier.
Doing so is simply a big headache -- or multiple headaches, rather, with names like multibrowser support, data marshaling, concurrency violation, server load, and custom servlets and servlet filters.
这么做只会带来更大的麻烦(更确切地说,是更多的麻烦),比如多浏览器支持、数据封送处理、并发冲突、服务器负载以及定制servlet和servlet 过滤器。
Cole went on to explain that load balancing and virtualization support is also being worked on and should be complete soon.
InfoQ: Does repository manager support information about service utilization, current service consumers, load, service level agreements (SLAs), etc?
Your Web forms are very slow to load and your support team suggests combining many small round-trips to the Web into a single submit with more data validation in the browser.
The WebSphere Application Server support team prefers to keep the Maximum file size no larger than 50 MB, as the traces become more difficult to load and read if the file size is too large.
The run-time migration scheme shown in Figures 2 to 5 above represents a best-case scenario and depends on the other application server providing support for load-balancing.
上面的图2至 5图解了运行时迁移,它代表一个最佳案例方案,并且要求另一个应用服务器须提供对负载平衡的支持。