New load test Wizard, select the test mix model to use in your load test scenario.
The following tables describe the various properties for load test scenario Settings.
Fixed a problem of excessive CCRPC process creation during high concurrent load test scenario.
Specifies the probability of a virtual user running a given test in a load test scenario.
Counter sets can be selected for the computers that you specify for inclusion in the load test scenario.
The test mix specifies the probability of a virtual user running a specific test in a load test scenario.
How to create and configure the load test scenario is covered in steps 2.0 through 2.5 in the next section.
A browser mix specifies the probability of a virtual user running a specific browser type in a load test scenario.
For example, the following illustration demonstrates how to specify the maximum test iterations for a Load test Scenario.
The mix control allows you to adjust the percentage of load that is distributed among tests, browser types, or network types in a load test scenario.
In this case, a load test scenario can be made to represent virtual customers and another scenario can be made to represent virtual internal users of a Web site.
Configure test iteration Settings for your scenario: you can edit a load test scenario to configure test iteration Settings using the load test Editor and the Properties window.
The tester who performed the exact test scenario was unable to answer the question, because she "doesn't do load testing."
As opposed to verifying a time threshold on a method (or series of methods) in a test scenario, JUnitPerf also facilitates load testing.
In a typical scenario, to load test a Web application, you identify the various scenarios by well-defined test plans.
A scenario is the container within a load test where you specify load pattern, test mix, browser mix, and network mix.
The load test Editor lets you modify the properties of an existing scenario or add new scenarios to the load test.
An individual scenario is made up of a load pattern, a test mix, a browser mix, and a network mix.
The networks included in a scenario should reflect the objectives of that scenario for the load test.
Specify the number of virtual users for your scenario: you can configure the load pattern properties to specify how the simulated user load is adjusted during a load test.
Using the load test Editor and the Properties window, you can specify a delay before a scenario starts in a load test.
The best way to control this is to set up a separate scenario in the load test, and set the user load to 1 user.
How to: Create a Scenario Used to Model User Activities, Tests, Browsers and Networks Using the New Load Test Wizard.
How to: Create a Scenario Used to Model User Activities, Tests, Browsers and Networks Using the New Load Test Wizard.