In contrast to a loan or bond, a share certificate contains no promises that its issuer may fail to keep.
Where there is any inconsistency between the stipulations on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher and the Terms and Conditions on this Contract except date, the latter shall prevail.
The borrower may, after return the original certificate of creditability back, prepay all or any part of the loan.
The premium is collected by the Barclay Card branch from the client on application for the cover and the loan, prior to the hand ing over of the Certificate of Cover.
To no resident who apply real estate loan , It is necessary to afford one year's certificate of tax payment .
This should take the form of a copy of a bank deposit certificate for the loan and a copy of either the deposit slip or passbook for the account that the loan was paid into.
After the enterprise obtains ownership certificate and get the bank loan, it shall offer payment or offer progressive payment within several years.
The relative high growth happened in the "Certificate of Loan" rating business.
You can go ahead and cash your undue Large-Amount Deposit Certificate if you really want to, but I'd recommend a Personal Durable Commodities Loan.
Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge.
Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge.