The additional financing will finance the following activities: 1) Rural Road Improvement Program (Estimated cost US$555.89 million, with loan financing at US$49.375 million).
According to reports, China's real estate development enterprise debt rate as high as 76%, more dependent on the sale of real estate enterprises "faster" or expand liquidity loan financing funds.
The need to get first movers access to financing is the rationale for all loan guarantees, whether nuclear or renewables.
Part of the World Bank loan of US$ 38.4 million will go toward financing significant, high quality conservation work in neglected parts of Maijishan.
Some banks made tentative attempts in the autumn to pull out of loan agreements because their cost of financing had spiked so high.
According to the new management method of canceling bad debts after verification for financing enterprises, cancel the loan losses of small-sized enterprises in time in accordance with the law.
Southern has conditional approval for an $8.3-billion federal loan guarantee to backstop its financing and has broken ground at the site.
The recession has caused many American banks to withdraw from a scheme that allowed international students to obtain a financing loan of up to $150,000 without having an American guarantor.
Especially when interest rate rises, extension risk due to the action of delaying loan will force the financial institution to change its plan of investing and financing.
The fact also shows that it is an ideal method to make use of the under-construction ship mortagage loan to solve the problems in the shipping financing.
The loan package is the most ever financing involving the most ever Banks in Guangzhou.
Determining appropriate loan-to-value ratios of commodity collateral can make Banks mitigate credit risk of inventory financing effectively.
Because of financing and paying off the loan, freeways that have been built in China execute different charge policy or regulation.
The vacancy for banks in the auto loan market is thus filled by auto financing companies.
Objective to find a solution for the financing problem after the ending of World Bank Loan project for Schistosomiasis Control in China.
Because of financing and loan-returning concerns, freeways having been built in China are all financially managed under some tolling policies and mechanisms.
Alternative housing assistance provided for eligible Police officers included the Civil Service Home Financing Scheme, Home Purchase Scheme, housing Loan Scheme and the Accommodation Allowance Scheme.
Alternative housing assistance provided for eligible Police officers included the Civil Service Home Financing Scheme, Home Purchase Scheme, housing Loan Scheme and the Accommodation Allowance Scheme.