If server USES dynamic endpoints, it puts endpoint information in the local endpoint map database on the server system.
With this information, the RPC runtime library contacts the local endpoint map database on the server system to know the endpoint on which the server process is listening for incoming RPCs.
Because the federated system includes a DB2 database, you can also store local data in it, as well as correlate information from both local and remote tables.
由于联邦系统包括一个DB 2数据库,因此还可以在其中存储本地数据以及来自本地和远程表的相关信息。
We create a sample extension that retrieves file information from the local file system and displays it in the form.
Because a federated system includes a DB2 database, you can also store local data, as well as combine information from local and remote tables.
由于联邦系统包含DB 2数据库,因此您还可以存储本地数据库,也可合并来自本地表和远程表的信息。
On the other hand, DB2 LUW database stores several information required for normal operation across several operating system files under local database directory.
另一方面,DB 2LUW数据库还存储跨本地数据库目录下的多个操作系统文件正常运行所需的若干信息。
Because a federated system includes a DB2 database, you can also store local data in it, as well as combine information from both local and remote tables.
由于联邦系统包括一个DB 2数据库,所以还可以将本地数据存储在这个数据库中,也可以存储来自本地表和远程表的组合信息。
Sometimes the structure defined by an XML schema is not sufficient to convey specific requirements, such as an information system at a local institution.
Figure 3 shows the form displaying file information that was retrieved by the extension from the local file system.
Because your custom function is used to access file information on the local system, you cannot embed it in an XFDL form.
Federation takes you to the next level of information integration, allowing the DB2 federated system to act as a virtual database where remote objects can be queried like local tables.
联邦技术将您带到更高级别的信息集成,它允许DB 2联邦系统充当一个虚拟的数据库,使得对远程对象的查询和对本地表的查询一样简单。
The online order information in the XML document orders.xml on the local file system contains the following data.
本地文件系统上的xml文档orders. xml内的在线订单信息包含如下数据。
The online order information resides in an XML documents on the local file system named orders.xml.
在线订单信息位于本地文件系统的名为orders .xml的xml文档内。
Rpc.rquotad daemon is one of the components of the NFS server that provides quota information of the local file system, which is exported to the remote user.
For example, Listing 2 shows the output when querying a local system for all the information within the 'system' tree.
Connectivity to IBM Information server 8.1.2 (server) and Information server command-line tool (ISTool) installed on the local system.
Just as in local tables, all the data registration steps described above store the information in the DB2 federated database system catalogs.
与本地表一样,上面描述的所有数据注册步骤都将信息存储在DB 2联邦数据库系统编目中。
The previous section showed how to identify open files and directories on a local device, but you can just as easily get the same information about a mounted remote file system.
Management center after receiving the encryption card information into the BOSS and ca system, correlation and management, and to the local service agencies to provide encryption card.
Connectivity (network access) information is stored in the system database directory, local database directory and node directory.
In addition, it is designing a conflict early warning system that will link global information technologies with local social networks to help prevent conflict.
Each business partner within the supply chain can be allowed to generate its own information exchange format by adopting an XML meta-data management system in the local side.
供应链中的商务合作伙伴可以在本地采用XM L元数据管理系统生成自己的数据交换格式。
Adaptive protection device USES local information only and can only adapt to changes of system impedance of less area of power system.
In the system of spread-spectrum communication, the essential point of demodulating information is to ensure the synchronism of local PN sequence and PN sequence of received signals.
In information integration face, we build a local GIS system and commanding interface of local commanding center and a part of system database.
Management information system of Lianyuan Iron and Steel Works is one of the few successful management information systems ever developed in local main enterprises of metallurgical industry.
Based on comprehensive information security policy of security system, this paper studies the security of local Area network by network security technology and network security management.
SEMIS (Shizulshan city environmental management information system) is the first case of practical environmental management information system for local EPB in China.
It is not enough to store information only in local computer systems, because information is exploding, but the local system is limited on storage and sharing mechanism.
It is not enough to store information only in local computer systems, because information is exploding, but the local system is limited on storage and sharing mechanism.