You can select locale-specific data using the locale parameter.
Includes the hxclient locale-specific script library on the page.
Class Formatter: Creates locale-specific renditions of data items.
Copy the resulting messages file into each locale-specific directory.
This approach USES the J2SE locale-specific resource bundle handling.
Class StringComparator: Compares two strings using locale-specific rules.
In the locale-specific information section, en is selected as the default.
在locale - specific information部分,默认选择en。
The default value is, naturally, default, indicating that a locale-specific style should be used.
缺省值自然是default ,指出应当使用特定于语言环境的样式。
Isolate all use of text strings, and obtain a locale-specific string from a resource bundle instead.
The template files used for this form are installed with the product in locale-specific subdirectories.
If the runtime can't find any of the locale-specific files, it USES the strings in
如果运行时没有发现任何特定于地区的文件,那么它将使用messages . properties中的字符串。
As Listing 2 suggests, the value to be parsed must strictly adhere to the specified (locale-specific) styles or pattern.
If you're developing international applications, use the locale-specific forms to make your code portable among many locales.
You can easily build a localized version of the page using resource bundles (locale-specific property files) on the server side.
In addition, a value of full is specified for the dateStyle attribute, so that all date fields will be displayed in a locale-specific format.
Topics include determining the active locale, creating and registering locale-specific data, retrieving locale-specific data, and localizing application messages.
D {format} : the format is passed to strftime (3) and the result is inserted into the prompt string; an empty format results in a locale-specific time representation.
D {format}:括弧里的字符串被传递给strftime(3)函数,返回值填充到提示符中。如果不传参数,会按照系统默认的当地时间格式来显示。
Text displayed by a user interface is the most obvious example of locale-specific data, such as the two output components text and the submit button caption of login.jsp.
在用户界面显示的文本是最明显的指定位置的数据的例子。例如由 login.jsp 说明的两个输出组件的文本以及提交按钮。
Administrators are free to change backgrounds, images, text, and more the resource files are located off the installation path in locale-specific subdirectories, as follows.
The *.properties files, kept in the class path of the project, contain key-value pairs and are used as a resource bundle to get the locale-specific runtime-resolved validation messages.
这些 *.properties文件保存在该项目的类路径中,文件内包含键-值对,并可用作资源包来获得特定于本地语言环境的运行时解析的验证消息。
The solution exploits J2SE support for locale in a resource bundle to pull in the locale-specific text string when required (see Resources for more information on J2SE resource bundles).
这个解决方案利用了J2SE在资源绑定中对地区的支持,只在需要的时候才采用特定于地区的文本字符串(请参阅参考资料,以了解更多关于 J2SE 资源绑定的信息)。
Because the validation message should be localized, the validation logic should use the Ajax utility prepared before to get locale-specific messages displayed for each type of validity issues.
A resource bundle is a group of files, all named the same, in which each file is applicable for a specific locale.
By default, there is no difference between the different locale specific theme policies, but you may want to change that.
You need to explicitly specify the locale attribute to properly collate text for a specific language.
The locale specific JSPs used for content display are stored in the two asset stores, the Spanish Asset store and the English Asset store.
The best strategy is to choose a neutral representation for your data and format it as appropriate when you display it to a user in a specific locale.
Localization is the act of specializing a product for a specific locale, a task that is much easier if it follows an internationalization effort.
The usual deliverable for an i18n effort is a set of instructions and validation tools that can be used to adapt the base product to a target population in a specific locale.
And even if their algorithm failed to identify the specific location, they often found that it could narrow the possibilities, such as by identifying the locale as a beach or a desert.