With embed, the localization pack manager module is embedded in the main programs, while with extend, the localization pack manager module works outside the main programs.
The presentation programs can get the current locale and send the URL of the corresponding localization pack XML as a parameter to the XSL.
In Figure 6, the localization pack manager residing in the XSL works outside the main presentation programs.
The codes accessing localization pack XML are embedded in the programs -- such as the JSP, servlet, or portlet -- where HTML source codes are produced line by line.
在程序(如JSP、servlet或portlet)中嵌入了访问本地化包XML 的代码,在这些程序中,HTML源代码是逐行产生的。
Presentation programs need an XML parser to access the nodes from localization pack XML files.
表示程序需要XML解析器来访问本地化包 XML 文件中的节点。
The programs for UI presentation get their logic data from back-end business logic, and get UI messages from localization pack XML files, and then combine them to create the HTML layout.
UI表示程序从后端业务逻辑获取其逻辑数据,从本地化包XML文件获取 UI消息,然后将二者合并以创建HTML 布局。
Just as the single executable requirement applies to all the programs that make up the web services architecture, the localization pack requirement also applies to all the programs.
Chinese Translation, interpretation or localization management programs offered by the Graduate School of Translation, interpretation and language Education.
Chinese Translation, interpretation or localization management programs offered by the Graduate School of Translation, interpretation and language Education.