Mobile location is to define the user's real position information by mobile terminal and mobile network, and accomplish a serial of location information service with relative SMS and sound signal.
A service registry, in this case, contains all the information about service deployments, their locations, and the policies associated with invocations at each location.
In that interaction, the catalog service returns information about the grid, including a complete routing map defining the location of all grid partitions and the associated key space for each.
In particular, there is no information that indicates the location of a particular instance of a service provider.
Next, you need to query the WSIL document object for information regarding service names, service abstracts, and WSDL document location elements.
接着,您需要查询WSIL文档对象,以获得服务名称、服务摘要和WSDL 文档位置这些元素的信息。
The Geolocation service USES cell towers to gather quick location information and deliver it to applications on BlackBerry smartphones.
Normally, a RPC server application advertises or exports its location, that is the binding information which gets stored in a name service database.
This server exposes the location information and instant-messaging status (for example, available, away, and do not disturb) of an employee as a SOAP service.
The detailed information for the city is retrieved from the Location Data Service, and the corresponding record is displayed.
Listing 10: Retrieve the location information through Address Finder Web Service in
The service interface for our example is very simple, consisting of one method that can be called by the sample portlet to retrieve the location information, based on a zip code.
The name server database is a repository of server location information which is represented as binding information. The client applications normally USES a specific name service RPC routines to.
The search giant’s recently unveiled (and much-criticised) social-networking service, Buzz, also allows users to tag messages with information about their location.
A service provider has a property that captures information about its location, although the meaning of this is implementation-dependent.
The service registry, in this case, contains all the information about service deployments, their locations, and the policies associated with invocations at each location.
Not allowing information about our activities in public... to be public... would be a real blow to the location-service ecosystem.
The WSDL documents contain the information required by a client to actually invoke the Web service (for example, the location attribute of the soap: address element).
How to obtain location information of an unknown node precisely is a key problem of locating service under ubiquitous computing environment.
It introduces particularly three models: city basic geographical information government affair platform, theme exploration and survey information service platform, and navigation location service.
Although such information is not personally identifiable, we can determine from the IP address a visitor's Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connectivity.
Opening of the service, users can easily know which of their current location, and using a mobile phone or charge him for all kinds of places near the information.
In many cases, mobile host needs to obtain accurate or approximate location information in the network, i. e. needs a location service.
Through the LBS (location based service) platform, spatial information data can be conformed and Shared in LBS fields and the platform can provide integrated applications and services.
But system, which provides knowledge searching service isn't aware of users' context information, such as location, profile, time, and so on.
It improved the Simple location Service (SLS) by adding "sign of information update" in location information table.
It improved the Simple location Service (SLS) by adding "sign of information update" in location information table.