Lock-out locks shall be purchased, keyed separately.
Each lock-out lock shall bear the name of the employee to whom it has been assigned.
This is called account lock-out, and not surprisingly, attackers have discovered a simple way to defeat the approach.
Thus, low voltage protection devices, served as lock-out protection reserve will also have characters uf inverse time-lag.
Ford is also taking the proactive step to 'lock-out' capabilities that are not relevant to the task of driving while the vehicle is in motion.
San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker recently made headlines by announcing he'd play for the French basketball team he partly owns during the NBA lock-out for $2, 000 a month.
NBA圣安东尼奥马刺队(San Antonio Spurs)球星托尼•帕克的名字近日频繁见诸各大报端头条。原因是他宣布在NBA停摆期间将以月薪2,000美元转投一支法国篮球队。
Pull it out quickly, pressing against the top of the lock cylinder while gently turning your wrench.
Now pull it out quickly, pressing against the top of the lock while gently turning your wrench.
It seemed that for every guideline I found spelling out the correct way to lock files, a subsequent correction was posted.
The result can help users find out the JUC lock contention bottleneck in the program.
Since locks are used for interthread communication, it makes sense that taking out a lock would start a critical region and that releasing the lock would end the critical region.
If you have kids, be sure to use a box with a lock and keep it out of reach.
(If you have kids, be sure to use a box with a lock and keep it out of reach.)
Sticking to these tips should ensure that you do not lock yourself out of your own system.
Based on the configuration parameters, the failed logon attempts lock out the user from the system and are shown in the server console (see figure 10).
I didn't discover until the end of my run that my car key (yes, the expensive one with the unlock/lock buttons) had fallen out.
In a hard lock-up, investors have no right to redeem before their time is up; in a soft lock-up, they can get out early but have to pay a redemption fee of, say, 3-5%.
在硬性期权锁定中,投资者在到期之前无权赎回其投入的资金;在软性期权锁定中,他们能够早早的退出但不得不支付据说有3 - 5%的赔偿金。
We think that languages - for whatever reasons - polarize a lot and with a 'one size fits all' approach you always lock out millions of developers.
So easy, in fact, that when I first ran it on a test LPAR, I managed to lock myself out completely!
At this time, an exclusive seize is acquired by the DB2 engine to synchronously move the data, so while a lock time-out will not occur, other jobs will wait for the move to complete.
这一次,DB 2引擎获得一个互斥捕捉,用于同步地移动数据,因此当锁超时没有发生时,其他任务将等待数据移动的完成。
However this isn't a good solution because it may lock out the other threads from being able to have fair access.
It also planned to lock out employees who were members of the unions covering international pilots, ground engineers and baggage handlers.
If any OP abuses his power—if he fails to heed what anons call “the hive mind” in IRC conversations— the other OPs can lock him out of the chat.
Sure, you can lock hoarders out of their homes while you forcibly throw away the trash.
Conversely, if an exclusive lock was able to be acquired, concurrent applications would not be able to access the file and could fail with a lock time-out.
Figure out which way the lock needs to be turned to open by turning the wrench clockwise and then counterclockwise.
Figure out which way the lock needs to be turned to open by turning the wrench clockwise and then counterclockwise.