This method supports multiple granularity lock, automatic lock and automatic lock escalation.
If not, lock escalation continues until the percentage of the lock list held is below the value of MAXLOCKS.
After some small number of row locks are obtained, a lock escalation to a table lock will occur automatically.
If after replacing these with a single table lock, the MAXLOCKS value is no longer exceeded, lock escalation stops.
Using a lock hint such as ROWLOCK only alters the initial lock plan. Lock hints do not prevent lock escalation.
MAXLOCKS defines a percentage of the lock list held by an application that must be filled before the database manager performs lock escalation.
And the location of every row is in a fixed location, allowing for techniques such as lock escalation when too many fine-grained locks would otherwise be needed.
When the number of locks held by any one application reaches this percentage of the total lock list size, lock escalation occurs for the locks held by that application.
Lock escalation is the process of converting many fine-grain locks into fewer coarse-grain locks, reducing system overhead while increasing the probability of concurrency contention.
This parameter defines a percentage of the lock list held by an application that must be filled before the database manager performs escalation.
This parameter defines a percentage of the lock list held by an application that must be filled before the database manager performs escalation.