There doesn't have to be a love fest going on in the locker room, but championship teams need to have players who respect each other and their coach.
In the locker room, Amanda changed quickly.
You've got this locker room full of guys who have been looking for a place to fit in, and here they are.''
The 31-year-old Longoria, who plays crafty Gabrielle Solis on the hit ABC show, met Parker, a 24-year-old Frenchman, in the San Antonio Spurs' locker room after a game two years ago.
Guys often compare themselves with other guys in certain Settings, and one of the most common is the locker room.
We have arrived at the girls’ gym. We walk into the locker room and abracadabra! all the girls stoptalking.
For weeks, my laboratory smelled like the combined essences of sewer, garbage dump and locker room.
So when Wade went there Tuesday, he couldn't venture anywhere near the Heat locker room.
The Heat practiced one last time in Miami on Monday morning, followed by coach Erik Spoelstra gathering his team in the locker room for a quick meeting.
Even when I shower, I get to my next class wet, and probably smelling like a locker room.
Meanwhile, in the locker room, Harry and the rest of the team were changing into their scarlet Quidditch robes (Slytherin would be playing in green).
We've experienced the acne, the showering in the locker room with the other guys, and getting rejected for dates by girls that we had the biggest crush on (well, not all of us have experienced that).
Is your gym locker room crawling with drug-resistant bacteria?
Tommy kicked over a gallon of antifreeze and disappeared into the locker room.
He tells them he saw drops of blood on the locker room floor and needs an explanation.
I smiled at him before walking through the girls' locker room door.
Whether at a local gym or getting ready for a game at school, time in the locker room can be daunting for any guy.
It was hard to see the players crying back there, ” Felipe Melo said after emerging from the locker room.
A few of us media types watched this part of the game in the Dallas locker room with a couple of the Mavs, and they were just as puzzled as I was.
Not only did Lipson perform the typical managerial responsibilities of fetching water and collecting equipment, he also gave locker-room speeches and even assisted Maddux in advance scouting.
But he does dread going into the locker room at the end of class and showering in front of his friends.
Fans watched as Yao limped towards the locker room, but then something remarkable happened: Yao turned around and checked back into the game.
I didn't want to change my player's alternate locker room.
In the locker room, Westmoreland redresses his bleeding wound with another clean sock.
They were talking openly about their psychological vulnerabilities with a stranger in a swimming locker room, "said Duckworth, the medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness."
Afterward in Houston's locker room, the 7-foot-2 veteran was on crutches and fighting back tears.
Radmanovic laughed when he saw a pack of reporters move in on him in the locker room.
Radmanovic laughed when he saw a pack of reporters move in on him in the locker room.